CyCraft / planetar

A Vue framework for creating a design system styleguide with interactive component explorer 🪐

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feat: create Vue-CLI dev project

mesqueeb opened this issue · comments


  • we need to check if Planetar is usable with Vue CLI projects that don't have Quasar (currently it might still cause issues)
  • we need to find out WHAT the issues are IF there are any -- and fix them as well
  • eventually we might add some link to this Vue-CLI project to show how it can be set up


  • Create a new folder called dev-vue-cli in packages in which you create a new empty project with Vue CLI.

  • Make sure the package.json is set to "private": true like the packages/dev project. (this prevents lerna from trying to publish this to NPM)

  • Copy 3 simple Vue components from the packages/atoms folder into this Vue CLI project inside a folder called "components"

  • lerna add planetar --scope dev-vue-cli

  • Look at the packages/dev folder to see how Planetar is set up, and do the same for Vue CLI.

    • try to do the same as packages/dev/src/pages/component-gallery/PageComponentGallery.vue
    • don't forget to do:
import Planetar from 'planetar'