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Moodle Invalid Request

cayhorstmann opened this issue · comments

I am using Moodle 4.1.2 and installed the ltijs-demo-server app (see here for my mods) at When I launch an exercise from Moodle, I get:

Invalid request
[More information about this error](

(That link leads to a nonexistent page.)

How would I go about debugging this?

Expected behavior
Not sure--I have never experienced a successful behavior.

Provider logs

Mar 29 09:16:07 PM  2023-03-29T19:16:07.372Z provider:main Redirecting to platform authentication endpoint
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM  2023-03-29T19:16:07.372Z provider:main Target Link URI:
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM  2023-03-29T19:16:07.373Z provider:main Login request:
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM  2023-03-29T19:16:07.373Z provider:main {
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    response_type: 'id_token',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    response_mode: 'form_post',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    id_token_signed_response_alg: 'RS256',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    scope: 'openid',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    client_id: 'f3zOgmWzJobqEOf',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    redirect_uri: '',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    login_hint: '2',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    nonce: '3xfaq6mjv8ao9oj5k5ewh3t55',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    prompt: 'none',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    state: '0750f2fb3de2024ee861020ecb5f39878cddc12252964a32ee',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    lti_message_hint: '{"cmid":2,"launchid":"ltilaunch1_1386278996"}',
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM    lti_deployment_id: '1'
Mar 29 09:16:07 PM  }

Ltijs version

  • Version 5.7.4

NodeJS version

Platform used

  • Moodle 4.1.2

I think I figured this out when trying to use the Saltire emulator instead. The "redirection URI" is required in Moodle. When I set it to the base URL, I got a response. For the record, here is the complete set of parameters in my Moodle conf.

  • Tool name: ltijs Demo Tool Provider
  • Tool URL: Base URL of the tool, in my case
  • Tool description: Empty
  • LTI version: 1.3
  • Client ID: (supplied by Moodle, use in call to lti.registerPlatform
  • Public key type: Keyset URL
  • Public keyset: (Tool URL)/keys
  • Initiate login URL: (Tool URL)/login
  • Redirection URI(s): (Tool URL)
  • Custom parameters: Empty
  • Tool configuration usage: Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool
  • Default launch container: Embed
  • Supports Deep Linking (Content-Item Message): Unchecked

I leave the bug report open so that you can consider adding this information to the documentation.

Hello @cayhorstmann. You are correct, the issue here is the mismatch of the redirect URI and Tool URL. I will be adding this to the documentation during the release of the next major version.