Cubitect / cubiomes

C library that mimics the Minecraft biome generation.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compilation instructions unclear

1schlick opened this issue · comments

Here is the cubiomes working directory, with an additional file "find_biome_at.c", whose code was given in the readme:

Screen Shot 2023-01-01 at 3 00 19 PM

I want to compile "find_biome_at.c," so I navigate to the directory in terminal and execute the command:

Screen Shot 2023-01-01 at 3 01 47 PM

As you can see, there are compilation errors, despite me following the instructions exactly.


gcc biome_tree.c finders.c generator.c layers.c noise.c quadbase.c util.c fin_biome_at.c -o a.out

From the looks of things, you are referring to the readme examples from the master branch while using the out-of-date tag from the releases, which is over year behind in development. The cubiomes library doesn't follow a release schedule, and the releases are simply tags created before major API-breaking changes are introduced. In the case of cubiomes-21.11.18, this was the introduction of 1.18 support. I have changed the status of that tag to a pre-release, which might help mitigate confusion.

Unless you have a reason to do otherwise, you should clone the master branch.