Cuadrix / puppeteer-page-proxy

Additional module to use with 'puppeteer' for setting proxies per page basis.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

useProxy() : Not working

nikitha12 opened this issue · comments

I tried using puppeteer-page-proxy and it is not working and i am not getting any error. Here are the details
Node version : v14.3.0
NPM version : v6.14.5
Puppeteer : v5.3.1
Puppeteer Page proxy : v1.2.8

Here is the code I used

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
const useProxy = require('puppeteer-page-proxy');

const screenshot = 'booking_results.png'
try {
  (async () => {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false})
    const page = await browser.newPage()
    await useProxy(page, '');
    const data = await useProxy.lookup(page);
    await page.authenticate('<username>','<password>')
    await page.goto('')
    await page.type('#ss', 'Berlin')
    await page.waitForSelector('#hotellist_inner')
    await page.screenshot({ path: screenshot })
    const hotels = await page.$$eval('', anchors => {
      return => anchor.textContent.trim()).slice(0, 10)
    await browser.close()
    console.log('See screenshot: ' + screenshot)
} catch (err) {

There is no response or error displayed.
Stuck at : await useProxy(page, '');
Can you please help out


same issue here

Do you have a way to set up all page IPs? I need to get all page proxies

@nikitha12 were you able to figure this out? I'm having a similar problem.
