CrowAndSky / SherwinWilliamsInterviewCodeTest

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Sherwin-Williams Code Test

In order to more accurately gauge your abilities, we'd like you to convert the attached .psd file into a functional responsive web page. Here are some key points we'll be looking out for in your finished product:

  • Semantic markup that looks good even without CSS applied
  • Use of HTML5 elements where appropriate
  • Use of CSS 3 properties and advanced selectors where appropriate, keeping in mind how the page will display in older browsers
  • Use of jQuery to provide interactivity, again keeping in mind how the page will appear to those without JavaScript enabled (plugins are NOT permitted)
  • Use of web fonts for the tab and title text throughout the page (the web font you select does not need to be a perfect match, just try to get it close)
  • Your layout should be usable down to a 320px width. We are only providing a design for the desktop layout, so use your best judgment to produce a useful and logical small-screen layout.

Please try not to spend more than a max of 8 hours completing this task.

At the end of your allotted time, please compress your working files and send them back to us at update your fork with your finished code and notify us. We'd prefer if you were able to host the site for us to view as well, but we understand that not everyone has web hosting available to them.

If you aren't comfortable with using git, you're still welcome to download these files as a ZIP with the "Download Zip" button above. Upon completion, you're still welcome to zip up your work & email them to
