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Implementation of cellular automata for track finding in HEP

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Generic C/C++ implementation of cellular automata for track finding

This code is based on the algorithm of cellular automaton evolution proposed for track finding by I.Abt et al [1]. Algorithm is designed to perform initial track finding for experiments in High energy physics, yet its topological properties may imply a broader usage.

This implementation does does not assume any particular geometry and uses abstract (yet highly efficient) leveled graph to exploit various strategies of Depth-first search to yield what is assumed to be track candidates.

Usage and library design

All core functions are written in pure C to gain competetive performance for various low-level applications (like high-level trigger). Certain optimizations are applied to reduce heap usage and gain performance. User code pursuing performance should rely on pure C interface.

For less demanding applications a bit more laconic and expressive C++ interface based on dynamic polymorphism is provided. Yet, expect some performance penalty due to virtual functions resolution.

For all cases user code has to define following routines:

  • A triplet filter -- a routine providing answer on whether three hits instances can be a part of the track candidate.
  • A collector -- a routine or function that shall be invoked on every found track candidate.

A filter can return discrete answer or a weight (as a positive floating point number). In first case insertion order deterministically affects the collecting order.

There also different strategies to iterate over track candidates (in order of decreased redundancy):

  • excessive strategy will visit all possible track candidates, including their sub-sequences till the minimal length is reached (longest come first). It won't visit same candidate twice and is more efficient than naive brute-force combinatorics.
  • moderate is similar to excessive but won't visit same triplets unless they're concurrent (at same depth)
  • strict strategy will provide candidates with intersections, but omit exact sub-sequences
  • longest resolves concurrency in favour of longest branch. Especially useful in combination with weighted filter.
  • winning resolves concurrency exclusively. This strategy effectively, combined with weighted filter is equivalent to one proposed in the original article. Provides candidates without repeating pairs of hits.

Note, that due to potential redundancy CATS itself does not keep or return found track candidates. It is reasonably cheap, however to re-iterate them from user code.

C++ interface

// It is convenient to typedef the main CATS class for further usage; this
// template must be parameterised with user hit type
typedef catsc::TrackFinder<UserHitType> TrackFinder;

// Inherit and implement interface for filter
class Filter : public TrackFinder::iTripletFilter {
    bool matches (const UserHitType & a, const UserHitType & b, const UserHitType & c) const override {
        // ... return whether a,b,c is a valid triplet
// Alternatively, implement weighted filter
//class UserFilter : public TrackFinder::iWeightedTripletFilter {
//    cats_Weight_t weight (const UserHitType & a, const UserHitType & b, const UserHitType & c) const override {
//        // ... return weight of a,b,c triplet; return a value <=0 if triplet
//        //     can not be considered as valid at all
//    }

// Implement track candidate collector
class Collector : public TrackFinder::iTrackCandidateCollector {
    void collect (const cats_HitData_t * hits, size_t nHits) override {
        // for sake of efficiency a pointer to void (void*) is exposed here,
        // so one needs a cast to get actual hits data:
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nHits; ++i) {
            const UserHit * hitPtr = reinterpret_cast<const HardHit *>(hits[i]);
            // ... copy hits or perform additional validation stages to reduce
            // output

// Use above as follows:

// create main reentrant track finding instance parameterised with
// layers number:
TrackFinder cats(nLayers);
// Instantiate user fitter and collector reentrant instances
Filter filter;
Collector collector;

while (eventsAvailable) {  // within the loop
    while (hitsAvailableInEvent) {
        // populate layers with hits data
        cats.add (layerNo, hit);
    // evaluate collector instance, parameterised with filter (weighted or not)
    // and number of tolerable missing layers
    cats.evaluate(filter, nMissedLayers);
    // collect the track candidates with collectro insance using favoured
    // strategy of required min length
    cats.collect_strict(collector, minLength);
    // reset automaton before next event

C interface

// implement unweighted filter function
int user_filter_func (cats_HitData_t a_, cats_HitData_t b_, cats_HitData_t c_, void * userdata) {
    // shall return 1 if triplet is valid and 0 otherwice. Cast to user hit
    // data type ptr to access actual data
    struct UserHitType * a = (const struct UserHitType *) a_;
    // ...
// or use weighted function of signature (returns floating point)
//cats_Weight_t user_filter_func_w (cats_HitData_t a_, cats_HitData_t b_, cats_HitData_t c_, void * userdata) {

// implement collecting function
void user_collecting_func (const cats_HitData_t * tc, size_t tcLen, void * userdata) {
    for(size_t tcN = 0; tcN < tcLen; ++tcN) {
        struct UserHitType * a = *((const struct UserHitType * const *) tc)[tcN];
        // ...

// initialize automaton with maximum layers number with
cats_Layers * cats = cats_layers_create(6);
// create workspace for automaton (allocation pools)
cats_CellsPool * pool = cats_cells_pool_create(4);

while (eventsAvailable) {  // within the loop
    while (hitsAvailableInEvent) {
        // populate layers with pointers to hit data
        cats_layer_add_point (cats, nLayer, &hit);
    // initialize graph with your filter function; provide pointer user data,
    // if need. `nMissedLayers` is max number of missing layer
    // (inefficient/missed detectors)
    cats_connect (cats, pool, user_filter_func, &user_filter_data, nMissedLayers);
    // ...or use weighted connection function if weighted filter is in use
    //cats_connect_w (cats, pool, user_filter_func_w, &user_filter_data, nMissedLayers);
    // evaluate automaton. 2-nd parameter is the debug stream, set to NULL if
    // you don't need one
    cats_evaluate (cats, NULL);
    // collect the tracks with the visiter object using certain visiting
    // strategy.
    cats_visit_dfs_excessive (cats, minLength, user_collecting_func, &userCollectingData );
    // ...or use weighted visitor if weighted filter function was used:
    //cats_visit_dfs_excessive_w (cats, minLength, user_collecting_func, &userCollectingData );
    // reset graph and pool before re-using same workspace
    cats_cells_pool_reset (_layers, _cells, _softLimitCells);
    cats_layers_reset (_layers, _softLimitHits);
// delete workspaces

Refer to tests/ for example of usage of plain C API (yet, incomplete in terms of reentrant usage).


Standard CMake build procedure for ou-of-source build:

$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4 install

Note, that user might be interested in customizing type for hit identification and/or floating point type to describe spatial coordinates -- for that purpose once can set CMake variables CATS_HIT_ID_TYPE and CATS_COORDINATE_TYPE with -D...=... respictively.

CMake project integration

For CMake-based projects:

# ...
target_link_libraries(${na64std_LIB} PUBLIC catsc::catsc )

For other types of build system a pkg-config file is exported by given user prefix.

TODO list

  • Doublet filter
  • User-driven hits lookup
  • C++ API based on static polymorphism
  • Parallel CPU implementation
  • OpenCV implementation
  • Rough math library (approximate trigonometry and exponentiation)


[1] Abt, I.; Emeliyanov, D.; Kisel, I.; Masciocchi, S.; CATS: a cellular automaton for tracking in silicon for the HERA-B vertex detector // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 489 (2002) 389–405


Implementation of cellular automata for track finding in HEP

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:C 50.2%Language:C++ 46.0%Language:CMake 2.6%Language:Python 1.2%