Cram3r95 / argo2_TGR

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Efficient Motion Prediction in Argoverse 2 dataset

TGR Model



Set up Virtual Environment


docker pull

# Avoid using conda. Your life will be better.
# OBS: Install pip, if not installed previously .
sudo apt install python3-pip

# Export the environment variables to bashrc
echo 'cd $HOME' >> ~/.bashrc 
echo 'alias python=/usr/bin/python3.8' >> ~/.bashrc 
echo 'alias pip=/usr/bin/pip' >> ~/.bashrc 

# Install the required dependencies
pip install \
    prodict \
    torch \
    pyyaml \
    torchvision \
    tensorboard \
    glob2 \
    matplotlib \
    sklearn \
    gitpython \
    thop \
    fvcore \
    torchstat \
    torchsummary \
    ipykernel \
    sns \
    pytorch-lightning \
    pyarrow \
    fastparquet \ 

After all (not before!), you can install torch-geometric, in my case assuming torch 1.13 and CUDA 11.6:

pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric -f

And check the torch-geometric dependencies:

python -c "import torch-geometric"

Install Argoverse 1 in /home/your_user following these instructions:

  1. Clone Argoverse 1 repository:
    1.1. git clone

  2. Download, extract and move Argoverse 1 map files:
    2.1. wget
    2.2. tar -xvkf hd_maps.tar.gz
    2.3. rm -rf hd_maps.tar.gz && mv map_files $HOME/argoverse-api

  3. Install Argoverse 1 package:
    3.1. pip install -e $HOME/argoverse-api (execute this command several times if you find dependencies issues between Argoverse 2 api and Argoverse 1 api)

  4. Check both Argoverse 1 and 2 are installed:
    4.1. python -c "import argoverse, av2"

After installing Argoverse 1, you may have a problem with numpy:

pip install numpy==1.23.0

pip install --upgrade tensorboard (former versions have max pin limit set to 4)

Download Argovers2 Dataset

Run the following script to download the Argovers Motion Forecasting Version2. Dataset Link

bash scripts/

Data Cleaning

According to the paper of Argoverse 2, the focal agent should always be observed over the full 11 seconds, which then corresponds to 110 observations:

Within each scenario, we mark a single track as the focal agent. Focal tracks are guaranteed to be fully observed throughout the duration of the scenario and have been specifically selected to maximize interesting interactions with map features and other nearby actors (see Section 3.3.2)

However, this is not the case for some scenarios (~3% of the scenarios). One example: Scenario '0215552f-6951-47e5-8cf6-3d1351d28957' of the validation set has a trajectory with only 104 observations. To clean these scenarios from the dataset run the following script. This code cleans the train and val directories.

python3 scripts/

Raw Feature Extracting

To preprocess and extract the posotion_x and position_y displacements run the following command. This code creates three .pkl files for train, val, and, test.



1- CRAT-Pred Model (LSTM + Graph + Multi-Head Self-Attention + Residual): Vehicle Trajectory Prediction with Crystal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks and Multi-Head Self-Attention. Paper -->

1-TGR Model (Transformer Encoder + Graph + Residual): Replacing the LSTM + Multi-Head Self-Attention sub-networks with a single Transformer Encoder:

python3 --use_preprocessed=True # for using the offline preprocessing step please use True for --use_preprocessed  

To check the metrics during training:

  1. If using the default Lightning logger (Tensorboard) or specifically Tensorboard: cd ~/CGHFormer/dataset/argoverse2/save_models && python -m tensorboard.main --logdir . --port=6100

  2. If using Wandb (first you must create an account and have installed wandb): pip install wandb Open your Navigator -> Sign in your account -> Monitorize the experiments



To test model on validation data on models:

1- Please comment line 217 in the following file: First, find the path of this file in your system after installing the Argoverse api_1 package. (pip3 install git+ Then comment the line 217 which uses the Map information to compute the DAC parameter.

python3 --ckpt_path=/path/to/checkpoints --split=val 
# Also you can use this file to generate prediction on test dataset. simply use --split-test


#Regenerate the evaluation parameters using pre-trained checkpoints: TGR.ckpt and Crat_Pred.ckpt
python3 --ckpt_path=checkpoints/TGR.ckpt --split=val --use_preprocessed=True  

Base Code: The base code of repository has been used.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 77.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 22.9%Language:Shell 0.1%