CptTZ / SmallSQL

[LEARNING PURPOSE] A pure Java based DBMS, SQL 99 conformance with JDBC 3.0 API

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Not really an issue, but I would like to inquire about SmallSQL

maoyuans opened this issue · comments


I am currently writing an article for Carnegie Mellon University's Database Research Group's 'Database of Databases' project, an encyclopedia of databases. SmallSQL is my topic of choice, but unfortunately I am not really an expert of DBMS and there is little to no documentation about SmallSQL due to its limited use and popularity. I came across your project on Github and decided to contact in hope to gather information. I do not see Github providing any other means for communication, so I created an issue. Hope this does not bother you.

It would be of immense help to me if you can tell me about various features that SmallSQL supports or implements. You can find me at freezingbluesky@gmail.com.

Raymond Song

Replied via email, please close this issue when you see it.