CovertIII / hledger-node-server

Light node API server for hledger. Take's hledger's csv output and turns it into JSON and serves it.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a light node API server for hledger.

It take's hledger's csv output and turns it into JSON and serves it.

Getting started

You need hledger installed on your system.


You'll have to clone this repo.

Then run npm install

Then to start it up run node index.js -f path/to/journal/file

It serves on port 3000.

Example of hitting the endpoint.

	"cmd": "balance assets"

It will then execute this command hledger -f ${file} ${cmd} -O csv and turn the csv output into JSON and serve it back.

This isn't secure as people could put malicous stuff in cmd. But it's useful if your server is bound to localhost and you want to experiment.

Front end

In /app there is a small React front end. You can tell it what command you want hledger to execute and it'll make a bar chart for the balance command and a line graph for the register command. It'll also display a table for the data.

Also the server alerts the client when the journal file has changed via websockets. The client then makes another request to the server to get updated data.

My plan is to have server also serve this, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. You have to cd into the /app folder and run npm install then npm start.

Happy hacking!


Light node API server for hledger. Take's hledger's csv output and turns it into JSON and serves it.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 89.7%Language:HTML 9.1%Language:CSS 1.3%