CosmicMind / Graph

Graph is a semantic database that is used to create data-driven applications.

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Swift 4 Support

karstengresch opened this issue · comments

Seems that Swift 4 breaks some base framework methods, e.g.

Graph.init(name: String =, type: String = GraphStoreDescription.type)
Compile errors:
"Static let 'name' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value"
"Static let 'type' is internal and cannot be referenced from a default argument value"
which seems to be related to


    public static func createDirectoryAtPath(_ path: URL, withIntermediateDirectories createIntermediates: Bool, attributes: [String: Any]?, completion: ((Bool, Error?) -> Void)? = nil) {
        do {
            try FileManager.default.createDirectory(atPath: path.path, withIntermediateDirectories: createIntermediates, attributes: attributes)
            completion?(true, nil)
        } catch let e as NSError {
            completion?(false, e)

Error: "Cannot convert value of type '[String : Any]?' to expected argument type '[FileAttributeKey : Any]?'"

Is there something like a roadmap for Swift 4 support? I'd love to contribute but am afraid my general Core Data knowledge is too reduced to pull in something valuable.

Best wishes,


Hey :) try the development branch. That should be updated to Swift 4.

Hey :)

Thanks, that was fast. You're the man :)

try the development branch.

Argh, of course! Perhaps it's useful to add a hint to the installation file/release page that people should add

pod 'Graph', :git => '', :branch => 'development'

to their Podfile respectively

github "CosmicMind/Graph" "development"

to their Cartfile if they want to use Swift 4...?

B.t.w. - I can't build the Samples after switching to iOS 11.0 - can you? Seems e.g. that a UITableViewCell lost its height property etc (development branch is equal to master so I did not try it out using development).

Best wishes,


Closing as problem was solved. Thanks Daniel!