Consensys / gnark

gnark is a fast zk-SNARK library that offers a high-level API to design circuits. The library is open source and developed under the Apache 2.0 license

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Convert int to frontend.Variable or vice versa

arater opened this issue · comments


I am trying to develop zk-regex with lookup table. But for now I am just trying to create one example circuit. I will make it more generic in the future. But I have problem with usage of currentState. I cannot use frontend variable in if condition so I need to use api.Select to adopt it. But in this case my currentState is only updated when charMatch satisfied but I cannot update it directly because it can be updated only with api.Select so I need to convert currentState from currentState := 0 to currentStateVar := api.Add(0, 0) but in this case I cannot use currentState for tranversing in my lookup because it is frontend variable right now such as c.LookupTable[currentStateVar][j][0]. How can I solve this issue your help will be very appreciated. And this my test circuit and its code.

package main

import (

const (
	statesLength   = 4
	stringLength   = 11
	maxTransitions = 2

type Circuit struct {
	PrivateString [stringLength]frontend.Variable `gnark:",secret"`
	States        [statesLength]frontend.Variable `gnark:",secret"`

	// Transition information represented as frontend.Variable
	LookupTable [statesLength][maxTransitions][4]frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

func (c *Circuit) Commit(api frontend.API) {
	// Example transition data
	// Adjust the data and size according to your actual DFA
	transitions := [][]struct {
		char     rune
		currNode int
		nextNode int
		typ      int
		{{'a', 0, 1, 0}},
		{{'c', 1, 1, 0}, {'d', 1, 2, 0}},
		{{'b', 2, 3, 0}},
		{{0, 3, -1, 1}},

	// Loop through the states
	for i, stateTransitions := range transitions {
		// Loop through the transitions for each state
		for j, t := range stateTransitions {
			c.LookupTable[i][j][0] = api.Add(0, int64(t.char))     // Transition character
			c.LookupTable[i][j][1] = api.Add(0, int64(t.currNode)) // Current node
			c.LookupTable[i][j][2] = api.Add(0, int64(t.nextNode)) // Next node
			c.LookupTable[i][j][3] = api.Add(0, int64(t.typ))      // Transition type


func (c *Circuit) Define(api frontend.API) error {
	c.Commit(api) // Populate the LookupTable

	matchFound := api.Add(0, 0)
	currentState := 0
	for i := 0; i < stringLength; i++ {
		charVar := c.PrivateString[i]

		for j := 0; j < maxTransitions; j++ {
			transitionChar := c.LookupTable[currentState][j][0]
			transitionNextState := c.LookupTable[currentState][j][2]

			charMatch := api.IsZero(api.Sub(charVar, transitionChar))

			// Use api.Select to conditionally update the state and matchFound
			currentState = api.Select(charMatch, transitionNextState, currentState)
			charMatchFound = api.Select(charMatch, api.Add(1, 0), charMatchFound) // Set to true (1) if charMatch

			/* 			if charMatch {
			   				currentState = int(transitionNextState)
			   				if api.IsZero(api.Sub(c.LookupTable[currentState][j][3], 1)) {
			   					matchFound = api.Add(1, 0)
			   			} else {
			   				currentState = 0
			   			} */

	// Assert that matchFound must equal 1 for the circuit to be satisfied
	api.AssertIsEqual(matchFound, api.Add(1, 0))

	return nil

func main() {
	// The rest of your main function

To initialize a frontend.Variable, you have to explicitly define the type:

var currentState frontend.Variable = 0

That said, it is not possible to convert from frontend.Variable back to int. In essence you are defining a system of linear equations which need to be satisfied, e.g.

x := api.Mul(c.X, c.Y)
api.AssertIsEqual(x, c.N)

gets turned into

c.X*c.Y == c.N

for which there are many valid solutions (c.X, c.Y, c.N). When you define a witness or assignment, then you are fixing some of the solution and then gnark solves for the rest during Prove().

If you want to use lookups, then use Mux etc.

I'm also converting this issue as discussion as it is general question about gnark usage. We use issues for tracking bugs and feature development.