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bug: emulated arithmetic: unable to call IsZero after FromBits if the input is bigger than q

hussein-aitlahcen opened this issue · comments

Unsure if it's a bug or not but I hit issues when calling IsZero after FromBits with input bigger than the modulus. I figured that FromBits can generate emulated elements with a number of limbs > NbLimbs param of the curve, is it expected? If so, IsZero should be passing? Please let me know if I am missing something.
On the other hand, addition and multiplication are working, here is a strange snippet where IsZero(image) is failing and IsZero(doubleImage) is passing:

const Bytes = 32

type C struct {
	Preimage [Bytes * 8]frontend.Variable
	Image    emulated.Element[emulated.BN254Fp]
	DoubleImage emulated.Element[emulated.BN254Fp]

func (c *C) Define(api frontend.API) error {
	field, err := emulated.NewField[emulated.BN254Fp](api)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	image := field.FromBits(c.Preimage[:]...)
	field.AssertIsEqual(image, &c.Image)
	doubleImage := field.Add(image, image)
	field.AssertIsEqual(doubleImage, &c.DoubleImage)
	// Breaks, works with field.IsZero(doubleImage)
	return nil

func TestBreak(t *testing.T) {
	var value big.Int
	var preimage [Bytes * 8]frontend.Variable
	for i := 0; i < Bytes*8; i++ {
		preimage[i] = 1
		value.SetBit(&value, i, 1)
	var doubleValue big.Int
	doubleValue.Add(&value, &value)
	err := test.IsSolved(
			Preimage: preimage,
			Image:    emulated.ValueOf[emulated.BN254Fp](value),
			DoubleImage: emulated.ValueOf[emulated.BN254Fp](doubleValue),
	assert.NoError(t, err)

@hussein-aitlahcen, I think current behavior is as expected. below is my understanding step by step.

  1. The secret is in the func FromBits, which will not check these bits overflow(e.g. >modulus), and it call newInternalElement(limbs, 0), 0 indicate there is no overflow, and it is misleading。
// FromBits returns a new Element given the bits is little-endian order.
func (f *Field[T]) FromBits(bs ...frontend.Variable) *Element[T] {
   nbLimbs := (uint(len(bs)) + f.fParams.BitsPerLimb() - 1) / f.fParams.BitsPerLimb()
   limbs := make([]frontend.Variable, nbLimbs)
   for i := uint(0); i < nbLimbs-1; i++ {
   	limbs[i] = bits.FromBinary(f.api, bs[i*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb():(i+1)*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb()])
   limbs[nbLimbs-1] = bits.FromBinary(f.api, bs[(nbLimbs-1)*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb():])
   return f.newInternalElement(limbs, 0).  //THE 0 is MISLEADING
  1. IsZero call Reduce to make sure no overflow happens, but in the Reduce, first take a glance at overflow, if it is 0, it think the input has been reduced, so nothing happens.
  2. IsZero will check the reduced value(e.g. ca) isInRange, because step2, Assert will happen here.
func (f *Field[T]) IsZero(a *Element[T]) frontend.Variable {
	ca := f.Reduce(a)      //CALL Reduce 
	res := f.api.IsZero(ca.Limbs[0])
	for i := 1; i < len(ca.Limbs); i++ {
		res = f.api.Mul(res, f.api.IsZero(ca.Limbs[i]))
	return res

func (f *Field[T]) Reduce(a *Element[T]) *Element[T] {
	if a.overflow == 0 {
		// fast path - already reduced, omit reduction.  //SKIP THE OVERFLOWCHECK
		return a
	// sanity check
	if _, aConst := f.constantValue(a); aConst {
		panic("trying to reduce a constant, which happen to have an overflow flag set")
	// slow path - use hint to reduce value
	return f.mulMod(a, f.One(), 0)
  1. doubleImage = field.Add(image, image) call reduceAndOp, which will check the overflow unconditionally, so the doubleImage is reduced before call IsZero
func (f *Field[T]) Add(a, b *Element[T]) *Element[T] {
	return f.reduceAndOp(f.add, f.addPreCond, a, b)

func (f *Field[T]) reduceAndOp(op func(*Element[T], *Element[T], uint) *Element[T], preCond func(*Element[T], *Element[T]) (uint, error), a, b *Element[T]) *Element[T] {
	var nextOverflow uint
	var err error
	var target overflowError

	for nextOverflow, err = preCond(a, b); errors.As(err, &target); nextOverflow, err = preCond(a, b) {
		if !target.reduceRight {
			a = f.Reduce(a)
		} else {
			b = f.Reduce(b)
	return op(a, b, nextOverflow)

I think there are 3 methods to fix this problem,

  1. make sure the preimage is less or equal than modulus by caller.
  2. Modify the FromBits function with overflow assumption.
func (f *Field[T]) FromBits(bs ...frontend.Variable) *Element[T] {
	nbLimbs := (uint(len(bs)) + f.fParams.BitsPerLimb() - 1) / f.fParams.BitsPerLimb()
	limbs := make([]frontend.Variable, nbLimbs)
	for i := uint(0); i < nbLimbs-1; i++ {
		limbs[i] = bits.FromBinary(f.api, bs[i*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb():(i+1)*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb()])
	limbs[nbLimbs-1] = bits.FromBinary(f.api, bs[(nbLimbs-1)*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb():])
	return f.newInternalElement(limbs, 1)   //Assume overflow happens for safety
  1. call image = field.Add(image, zero) like below to invoke reduceAndOp to make sure in range.
type C struct {
	Preimage    [Bytes * 8]frontend.Variable
	Image       emulated.Element[emulated.BN254Fp]
	DoubleImage emulated.Element[emulated.BN254Fp]

func (c *C) Define(api frontend.API) error {
	field, err := emulated.NewField[emulated.BN254Fp](api)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	image := field.FromBits(c.Preimage[:]...) //without overflow check

	zero := field.NewElement(0)
	image = field.Add(image, zero)  //FORCE all 
	field.AssertIsEqual(image, &c.Image)
	doubleImage := field.Add(image, image)
	field.AssertIsEqual(doubleImage, &c.DoubleImage)
	// Breaks, works with field.IsZero(doubleImage)
	return nil

@hussein-aitlahcen, I think current behavior is as expected. below is my understanding step by step.

  1. The secret is in the func FromBits, which will not check these bits overflow(e.g. >modulus), and it call newInternalElement(limbs, 0), 0 indicate there is no overflow, and it is misleading。
// FromBits returns a new Element given the bits is little-endian order.
func (f *Field[T]) FromBits(bs ...frontend.Variable) *Element[T] {
   nbLimbs := (uint(len(bs)) + f.fParams.BitsPerLimb() - 1) / f.fParams.BitsPerLimb()
   limbs := make([]frontend.Variable, nbLimbs)
   for i := uint(0); i < nbLimbs-1; i++ {
   	limbs[i] = bits.FromBinary(f.api, bs[i*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb():(i+1)*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb()])
   limbs[nbLimbs-1] = bits.FromBinary(f.api, bs[(nbLimbs-1)*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb():])
   return f.newInternalElement(limbs, 0).  //THE 0 is MISLEADING
  1. IsZero call Reduce to make sure no overflow happens, but in the Reduce, first take a glance at overflow, if it is 0, it think the input has been reduced, so nothing happens.
  2. IsZero will check the reduced value(e.g. ca) isInRange, because step2, Assert will happen here.
func (f *Field[T]) IsZero(a *Element[T]) frontend.Variable {
	ca := f.Reduce(a)      //CALL Reduce 
	res := f.api.IsZero(ca.Limbs[0])
	for i := 1; i < len(ca.Limbs); i++ {
		res = f.api.Mul(res, f.api.IsZero(ca.Limbs[i]))
	return res

func (f *Field[T]) Reduce(a *Element[T]) *Element[T] {
	if a.overflow == 0 {
		// fast path - already reduced, omit reduction.  //SKIP THE OVERFLOWCHECK
		return a
	// sanity check
	if _, aConst := f.constantValue(a); aConst {
		panic("trying to reduce a constant, which happen to have an overflow flag set")
	// slow path - use hint to reduce value
	return f.mulMod(a, f.One(), 0)
  1. doubleImage = field.Add(image, image) call reduceAndOp, which will check the overflow unconditionally, so the doubleImage is reduced before call IsZero
func (f *Field[T]) Add(a, b *Element[T]) *Element[T] {
	return f.reduceAndOp(f.add, f.addPreCond, a, b)

func (f *Field[T]) reduceAndOp(op func(*Element[T], *Element[T], uint) *Element[T], preCond func(*Element[T], *Element[T]) (uint, error), a, b *Element[T]) *Element[T] {
	var nextOverflow uint
	var err error
	var target overflowError

	for nextOverflow, err = preCond(a, b); errors.As(err, &target); nextOverflow, err = preCond(a, b) {
		if !target.reduceRight {
			a = f.Reduce(a)
		} else {
			b = f.Reduce(b)
	return op(a, b, nextOverflow)

I think there are 3 methods to fix this problem,

  1. make sure the preimage is less or equal than modulus by caller.
  2. Modify the FromBits function with overflow assumption.
func (f *Field[T]) FromBits(bs ...frontend.Variable) *Element[T] {
	nbLimbs := (uint(len(bs)) + f.fParams.BitsPerLimb() - 1) / f.fParams.BitsPerLimb()
	limbs := make([]frontend.Variable, nbLimbs)
	for i := uint(0); i < nbLimbs-1; i++ {
		limbs[i] = bits.FromBinary(f.api, bs[i*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb():(i+1)*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb()])
	limbs[nbLimbs-1] = bits.FromBinary(f.api, bs[(nbLimbs-1)*f.fParams.BitsPerLimb():])
	return f.newInternalElement(limbs, 1)   //Assume overflow happens for safety
  1. call image = field.Add(image, zero) like below to invoke reduceAndOp to make sure in range.
type C struct {
	Preimage    [Bytes * 8]frontend.Variable
	Image       emulated.Element[emulated.BN254Fp]
	DoubleImage emulated.Element[emulated.BN254Fp]

func (c *C) Define(api frontend.API) error {
	field, err := emulated.NewField[emulated.BN254Fp](api)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	image := field.FromBits(c.Preimage[:]...) //without overflow check

	zero := field.NewElement(0)
	image = field.Add(image, zero)  //FORCE all 
	field.AssertIsEqual(image, &c.Image)
	doubleImage := field.Add(image, image)
	field.AssertIsEqual(doubleImage, &c.DoubleImage)
	// Breaks, works with field.IsZero(doubleImage)
	return nil

I used the add but I think we have a deeper issue, looks like the number of limbs of fromBits != fParams.NbLimbs resulting in incorrect wrapping when calling a hint function see. I'm unsure at this point...


Could help to figure out which one is the hint function in your mind?