ConnectSDK / Connect-SDK-iOS

iOS source project for Connect SDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

devices in device picker dosen't appear quickly it take alot of time to appear

salah-mohammed opened this issue · comments

SSDPSocketListener handler take alot of time
when try to add airplay(play and pause button) not work
I let device picker list opend for 15 minutes approximately to appear devices.

We got the same error,
Is it only iOS 16 devices?

Same problem, can anyone solve it?


can anyone solve problem, please help me

can anyone solve problem, please help me

We didn't move forward, but as far I understand this problem is iOS 16+, you need to add the entitlement:
It have to be asked directly to Apple Support

stumbled against the same issue. Any available solutions?

ai có thể giải quyết được vấn đề xin hãy giúp tôi

Have you been able to fix this problem yet? Please advise