ConnectSDK / Connect-SDK-iOS

iOS source project for Connect SDK

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Could not build Objective-C module 'ConnectSDK'

hamedazhar-giz opened this issue · comments

I have installed ConnectSDK through cocoapods, but could not import it. This error
Could not build Objective-C module 'ConnectSDK'
keeps on coming whenever i do this:
import ConnectSDK
How can I achieve it?


didn't started yet working with the library but the problem you're facing seems like integration between Objective c files to Swift ones.

Try to search for how to import Objective c files to swift ones.

FYI the way to do it is by creating a class (Objective c file, actually) which imports all of headers you need and serve as a middle man between your Swift files to the Objective c files you want to import.

Look here for more info buddy: