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[Bug]: OAuth Url has a surplus question mark

haexhub opened this issue · comments



Conduit version


Describe the Bug

Hi conduit team.

I found a little bug in your url for OAuth providers. If you start the auth flow with http://localhost:3000/authentication/init/github for example, you construct a login url to github, which looks like this (2 question marks).
Could you please correct this and remove the excess question mark?

Expected Behavior

The login url should only contain 1 question mark

How to Reproduce

Just spin up your Conduit App and goto http://localhost:3000/swagger/#/authentication/get_authentication_init_github and start the auth flow. You will see in the response the wrong url.

Additional Information

No response


No response

Hi @haexhub thank you for another spot-on issue, we fixed the issue on the main branch, and will propagate shortly on 0.15. Keep an eye out for a new version.


Thanks again. You are amazing and incredible fast with responses. 😄
I like it 🥳