Concordium / concordium-wallet-proxy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remove the extra symbols in parameter

DOBEN opened this issue · comments


When invoking another contract inside of a smart contract function then the parameter is displayed with several extra symbols in the mobile wallet as well as in concordium-client. Can we decode the values or remove the extra symbols?

./concordium-client transaction status 2abff58d83d831257ed77cdef5181204d7789ff794b88af17f59bdac98047b70 --grpc-port [yourPort] --grpc-ip [YourConnection]
./concordium-client transaction status 9aaa50bdd6d864219189fbd0db11457df43084fddba42954eda8bdc0d0fc80f0 --grpc-port [YourPort] --grpc-ip [YourConnection]

message to function
'"counter.upgradeSeveralTimesDifferentSmartContracts"' with
'Parameter {parameter =
and 0.000000 CCD from account
'3SB8kJchHEn1RLYqfuCwi1hsQaXvKVmUa9dxMAZGPKhwnpJavP' to contract
'<1049, 0>'


In the client, when a receive function parameter is present in a transaction outcome:

  • Attempt to deserialize the receive function parameter to JSON when receive function schema is present.
  • Output the raw parameter as hexadecimal if no schema is present or if the deserialization failed.

In the wallet proxy:

  • Updating dependency on concordium-client prints receive function parameters as hexadecimal.