ComponentFactory / Krypton

Krypton WinForms components for .NET

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Krypton Ribbon minimized issue

Ash-IPRANOps opened this issue · comments


Hi All,
if you add a new ribbon and add buttons to it, and make the ribbon "MinimizedMode = True" or even if you minimize it at run time, if you click on the header, a balloon will appear that should have all the buttons you added to the ribbon, but that balloon appears blank.
when I check this on the samples provided by Krypton, it does not seem to have the same symptoms. but if I open the source code of the dame sample and try to test it by running it from there, I find the same issue persist , any help will be greatly apricated. Thank you.

Figure 1: Not minimized with all buttons showing using "Auto Shrink Groups" sample.


Figure 2: Minimized with all buttons showing using "Auto Shrink Groups" sample. (AutoShrinkingGroups.exe) not the source code.


Figure3: Minimized but all the buttons missing using "Auto Shrink Groups" Source Code Sample.



I used the following workaround, but if you have any other elegant solution, or the bug can be fixed on the source code for the Ribbon, or if I am missing something on how it should work, and I am not doing it right, please post here, thank you.

My workaround code will force the Ribbon to expand and stay that way once clicked, it will also ensure that the selected tab will stay selected, not only the last one that was selected once it expand.

Private Sub KryptonRibbon1_SelectedTabChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles KryptonRibbon1.SelectedTabChanged
   If KryptonRibbon1.SelectedTab Is Nothing OrElse Not KryptonRibbon1.MinimizedMode Then Exit Sub
   Dim SelectedTab As ComponentFactory.Krypton.Ribbon.KryptonRibbonTab = KryptonRibbon1.SelectedTab
   KryptonRibbon1.MinimizedMode = False
   KryptonRibbon1.SelectedTab = SelectedTab
End Sub