ComponentFactory / Krypton

Krypton WinForms components for .NET

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Error while adding context menu items to RibbonAppButton

DNRao18 opened this issue · comments


Error while adding context menu items to RibbonAppButton

Exception: "Cannot create an instance of ComponentFactory.Krypton.ToolKit.KryptonContextMenuItemBase because it is an abstract class"

Krypton Verson:

another issue with the same problem


the only work around for me is to add the following lines manually to the Designer code, this is the VB:

    Me.KryptonContextMenuItem1 = New ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.KryptonContextMenuItem()

Me.KryptonRibbon1.RibbonAppButton.AppButtonMenuItems.AddRange(New ComponentFactory.Krypton.Toolkit.KryptonContextMenuItemBase() {Me.KryptonContextMenuItem1})
Me.KryptonContextMenuItem1.Text = "Menu Item"

Friend WithEvents KryptonContextMenuItem1 As KryptonContextMenuItem