CompanyBook / massive_record

HBase ruby client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Implement embeds_many / one

thhermansen opened this issue · comments

Some thoughts and code examples (wip):

class Car < MassiveRecord::ORM::Embedded
  embedded_in :person

class Person < MassiveRecord::ORM::Table
  # As a default, these embedded objects are stored in it's own family; cars.
  # Or, you can give :store_in => 'my_cars' if you want to.
  embeds_many :cars

Car's id will be prefixed with the class name, rest will be time in ms as a default.
Investigate if we can get one record / scan multiple via Thrift, applying limits etc.
Maybe add a counter.

So this is moving forward in this branch. Right now embedding works, but there are something which does not. So here comes a todo list for myself:

  • (Done) Validations / handle save if any embedded records becomes invalid after being added to the collection.
    • (Done) Double check this one, when parent and embedded are saved, embedded are invalidated, and then parent is asked to be saved. :-)
  • (Done) Timestamps (check how it behaves as I kinda don't know if it works 100% as expected).
  • (Done) Reload embedded record does not work.
  • (Done) Generate ids for embedded objects.