CommunityToolkit / Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32

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[WPF/MapControl] MapControl is on top of every other control

meJevin opened this issue · comments

When using MapControl I am unable to place any other controls in WPF on top of it. It seems to be on top of everything for some reason.

I've not seen a version where this is fixed.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Reproduction repo link
  2. Go to Source folder
  3. Open MapControlBug.sln solution
  4. In MainWindow.xaml verify that the button with content Hello is rendered over the MapControl in the XAML previewer.
  5. Run the application and verify that MapControl is rendered on top of the aforementioned Button

Expected behavior

MapControl should respect z index of other controls


How it looks in the previewer:
How it looks when I run the app:


WPF, .Net Core 3.1, Windows 10.
NuGet Package(s):
Package Version(s):
Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.Controls: 6.1.2

Project .NET Version:

  • .NET Framework (version: )
  • .NET Core 3
  • .NET Core 3.1

Windows 10 Build Number:

  • 21390.1

Device form factor:

  • Desktop
  • Xbox
  • Surface Hub
  • IoT

Visual Studio

  • 2017 (version: )
  • 2019 (version: )

Hello meJevin, thank you for opening an issue with us!

I have automatically added a "needs triage" label to help get things started. Our team will analyze and investigate the issue, and escalate it to the relevant team if possible. Other community members may also look into the issue and provide feedback 🙌

This issue has been marked as "needs attention 👋" due to no activity for 15 days. Please triage the issue so the fix can be established.

This issue has been marked as "needs attention 👋" due to no activity for 15 days. Please triage the issue so the fix can be established.

I get the same issue with MediaPlayerElement . I assume it is the case for all UWP controls hosted on WPF? Is there any work around?

I believe this is a general airspace issues, I thought Winforms host behaved the same way? Not sure if there's anything to be done. Thought there was a note somewhere about this... @marb2000?

You are right @michael-hawker it looks like air-space issues.