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{{podBaseUrl}} no longer available in v7

mvanbrab opened this issue · comments


  • Server version: 7.0.2
  • npm version: 9.6.7


In the pod template, {{podBaseUrl}} expands to nothing (as opposed to what it did in v5 and v6).


{{podBaseUrl}} Is still used in templates/pod/base/README$.md.hbs


If not possible to solve, is there a workaround to obtain a pod's base URL in a custom pod template (my use case)?

As my use case has fixed pod names (my-pod) in different server instances, I can workaround temporarily by replacing {{podBaseUrl}} with {{oidcIssuer}}my-pod/.

This was indeed changed for v7 and probably got lost somewhere between the other changes. You can use {{base.path}} now. The README file will have to be updated to also use that one.

With the same need, I just replaced {{podBaseUrl}} by ../

With the same need, I just replaced {{podBaseUrl}} by ../

I guess that's OK in a markdown file, but not in a turtle file...

By the way, {{base.path}} works fine. It includes the trailing slash, so points nicely to the pod's base container.

With the same need, I just replaced {{podBaseUrl}} by ../

I guess that's OK in a markdown file, but not in a turtle file...

Turtle do support relative file notation. This makes human readability much easier.

With the same need, I just replaced {{podBaseUrl}} by ../

I guess that's OK in a markdown file, but not in a turtle file...

Turtle do support relative file notation. This makes human readability much easier.

You're right!
Let's however not discourage the possibility of {{base.path}} as a general, location independent alternative...