Comcast / jrugged

A Java libary of robustness design patterns

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No XML schema available for Spring Namespace Configuration

joercampbell opened this issue · comments

The documentation on shows an XSD schema purportedly located at However, that file doesn't exist there, and as there isn't actually a webserver running at, this causes schema validation to time out horribly in IDEs that attempt validation.

If we are going to have an XSD, let's find a better place to host it than a nonexistent webserver. :)

The xsd is included in the code when downloaded... Does it help to point to the checked out version on disk? If so - does it make sense then to make the xsd be a downloadable 'asset' and let people specify as they need?

This is actually beyond my ability to answer; I'm not familiar enough with either XSD or Spring. I just know that this currently causes a problem--I don't know how to fix it. :)

Example page in the wiki was updated to point to a rel path on disk (assuming you have the code downloaded). jrugged-spring/src/main/resources/jrugged.xsd

Unless we 'want' to host this somewhere - I hope that this will solve 90% or so of the problems people may have working with the source code and the examples.

Is the full source path the right way to go? This will only work if the jrugged-spring source is available locally to the implementing code in that location. Perhaps classpath relative is better- just jrugged.xsd vs the fully qualified path to src/main/resources.

I guess my point is that - the user has to move this and configure their IDE correctly to point to the right thing. The examples have a 'pointer' to what I think will work for most people (your mileage may vary) but that it is generally out of my control for how people implement it in their spring in their project.