ColombusAH / rick-and-morty-app

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Rick and Morty API Express TypeScript Application

This guide provides detailed steps to create an Express TypeScript application that consumes the Rick and Morty API. The application includes authentication, validation middleware, a ORM (TypeORM), and Swagger documentation.

Step 1: Project Setup

Start by creating a new directory and initializing it as an npm project with TypeScript.

mkdir rick-and-morty-app
cd rick-and-morty-app
npm init -y
npm install typescript ts-node @types/node --save-dev
npx tsc --init
npm install express typeorm reflect-metadata class-validator class-transformer jsonwebtoken bcrypt express-validator swagger-ui-express axios
npm install @types/express @types/bcrypt @types/jsonwebtoken @types/express-validator --save-dev

App Structure

|-- /src
|   |-- /config         # Configuration files
    |-- /routes         # routes
|   |-- /controllers    # Route controllers
|   |-- /entities       # TypeORM entities
|   |-- /middlewares    # Authentication and validation middleware
|   |-- /services       # Business logic
|   |-- /types          # TypeScript interfaces and types
|   |-- /utils          # Utility functions
|   |-- app.ts          # Express app
|   |-- server.ts       # Server entry point
|-- /dist               # Transpiled files from TypeScript to JavaScript`
|-- tsconfig.json       # TypeScript configuration


|-- /src
|   |-- /features
|   |   |-- /characters               # Feature for characters
|   |   |   |-- /controllers          # Controllers specific to characters
|   |   |   |-- /services             # Business logic for characters
|   |   |   |-- /middlewares          # Middlewares specific to characters
|   |   |   |-- /validators           # Request validators for character routes
|   |   |   |-- /types                # TypeScript types specific to characters
|   |   |   |-- index.ts              # Aggregates and exports the feature
|   |   |-- /locations                # Feature for locations
|   |   |   |-- /controllers          # Controllers specific to locations
|   |   |   |-- /services             # Services specific to locations
|   |   |   |-- /middlewares          # Middlewares specific to locations
|   |   |   |-- /validators           # Validators for locations
|   |   |   |-- /types                # Types for locations
|   |   |   |-- index.ts              # Aggregates and exports the feature
|   |-- /core
|   |   |-- /config                   # Configuration files
|   |   |-- /database                 # Database utilities, entities and TypeORM config
|   |   |-- /common                   # Common utilities and helpers used across features
|   |   |-- /middlewares              # Common middlewares
|   |-- app.ts                        # Main Express app setup
|   |-- server.ts                     # Server entry point
|-- /dist                             # Transpiled files from TypeScript to JavaScript
|-- tsconfig.json                     # TypeScript configuration


npm install --save-dev nodemon ts-node



Language:TypeScript 100.0%