CoinCheung / BiSeNet

Add bisenetv2. My implementation of BiSeNet

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lilbetter-l opened this issue · comments


提供的代码是这种方式显示的精度结果,但是论文里面却不一样?论文里面分为了 val 和 test ,这两者怎么对应呢????

none ss ssc msf mscf fps(fp32/fp16/int8) link
bisenetv1 75.44 76.94 77.45 78.86 25/78/141 download
bisenetv2 74.95 75.58 76.53 77.08 26/67/95 download

There are results on val set. I did not evaluate the model on test set.


感谢回复!刚开始接触语义分割,还有一点不是很明白,请问 ss | ssc | msf | mscf 这四者都是val test 的精度,具体是那个对应论文里面的 val test 的精度?这块困扰了很久!!!

There are results on val set. I did not evaluate the model on test set.

ss is single scale, most paper would use this, and if they say they use multi-scale inference, it would be msf or msfc.

Closing this since this is not active for some time.