Cog-Creators / Cog-Board


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Item Count COG

jesper1517 opened this issue · comments

Description of cog:

I'm currently managing a community for a cellphone game based on reinforcement counts (Where members sends reinforcements to each other to defend).
I'd be glad to see if someone could create a COG to help us along with the counts!

API's or other information for cog:

{[P]send "Amount" "Item_Name"}
This command will add the specified "Amount" to the "Item_Name" "Count"
The Specified "Amount" will be withdrawn after 24 hours.

{[P]return "Amount" "Item_Name"}
This command will stop the 24 hour timer and will withdraw the "Amount" from the "Item_Name"

{[P]list "Item_Name"}
This command will give a status report of the current "Amount/Count" on the "Item_Name"

{[P]list all}
This command will give a status report of the current "Amounts/Counts" on ALL "Item_Names"

{[P]add "Item_Name"}
This command will add a new "Item_Name" to the list (Only executable by specified roles)

Other info (Bounty, issues, ETC):