Codeusa / Borderless-Gaming

Play your favorite games in a borderless window; no more time consuming alt-tabs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Free builds / installers

bigfinfrank opened this issue · comments



In the 10.0.0 (Steam) GitHub Release, it was stated that "Free builds / installers will be made available in two weeks and this release will be updated. You can find release notes here."

Are there any updates on this front? I purchased BG on Steam to support the project however I prefer to compile from source and as of right now, the binaries don't seem to be matching up when compiled from the net8 branch, presumably because of missing commits.

Yes I noticed exactly the same thing and stated that directly to the dev which you can see here their response here:

I had no further response after that and still no trace of the latest source code so I made a negative Steam review which the dev responded with:

User doesn't understand how Github works - the code is fully available on a draft PR in the "Steam" branch. Stop trying to start witch-hunts.

So yeah the dev is actively lying about the whole thing and accuses me of not understanding GitHub instead.


@andrewmd5 any info on this?


Yes I noticed exactly the same thing and stated that directly to the dev which you can see here their response here: [removed URL]

I had no further response after that and still no trace of the latest source code so [I made a negative Steam review][URL removed] which the dev responded with:

User doesn't understand how Github works - the code is fully available on a draft PR in the "Steam" branch. Stop trying to start witch-hunts.

So yeah the dev is actively lying about the whole thing and accuses me of not understanding GitHub instead.

  1. Not sure where that "Steam" branch should be. There is only a TAG 10.0-steam, that has git errors.
  2. When you build that source code you get the following error:

Update: I managed to compile a working 10.0-steam version.
Not sure if it truly has all the options, but at least my version builds despite the git errors. But also being able to do that doesn't negate the fact that the latest update post that is now 3weeks old according to GitHub hasn't been updated with the build release.

Key to get it to build in a working state in JetBrains Rider was to:

  • NOT use the Build menu at the top of the app
  • But instead right click the .sln file and selecting Publish and then Local Folder ...
    • It might also requires you to manually set the ".NET SDK" to the proper version (for version 10.0 .NET 8) by right clicking the .sln file and selecting Manage .NET SDK

Can confirm the same with Visual Studio, building alone gives you the UI Translations error but publishing to a folder runs fine. I don't see dark mode in the 10.0-steam tag though so it doesn't look like it's up to speed with the actual Steam release.


Bumping this, been nearly a month now @andrewmd5

To get it to run properly, you have to put the file (from the Languages folder) in the same place as the BorderlessGaming.exe that gets built.