Codeception / module-symfony

Codeception module for testing apps using Symfony framework

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Symfony: `environment: 'prod'` not working

ThomasLandauer opened this issue · comments

What are you trying to achieve?

Run tests in Symfony's PROD environment.

What do you get instead?

Tests are still run in TEST environment.


To investigate this, I created a controller which just outputs the environment (return new Response($kernel->getEnvironment());). When browsing to its url I get whatever I have in Symfony's .env. Fine.

When I access the url with codeception (codecept_debug($I->grabPageSource());), I get whatever I write into functional.suite.yml, even an arbitrary string like foo.

However, if I put prod, the app isn't really run in PROD environment. The feature I want to test is if the correct error page is shown. But in DEV/TEST environment Symfony always shows its internal Exception Page, not my own error page (see ) - that's how I know that I am still in TEST environment in fact.

I even tried with a @prepare annotation ($symfony->_reconfigure(['environment' => 'prod']);) to switch just for this single test (cause that's what I originally intended).

  • Codeception version: 2.5.2
  • Symfony version: 4.2.1
  • Suite configuration:
actor: FunctionalTester
        - Symfony:
            app_path: 'src'
            environment: 'prod'

I can confirm this problem but coming at it from another direction.
I'm using API-Platform and have different DB config values for Dev and Test environments.

Regardless of the environment I specify, only the main .env file is loaded.

actor: ApiTester
    - Symfony:
          app_path: 'src'
          environment: 'FOOBAR'

So to make things work, I have .env pointed to my test database and rely on .env.test and to work correctly in the regular symfony app.

I've tracked the code to my-app/src/Kernel.php where the correct env value is passed in, but .env files are read in the wrong order.


In the course of further research, I discovered that the .env files seem to have the desired affect over the environment value specified in the symfony configuration above. So I'm not setting environment in the Codeception > Symfony module. In its place, using .env files seems to work well enough for both the main symfony stack AND codeception

    - .env.FOOBAR

# .env.test
###> symfony/framework-bundle ###

# tests/api.suite.yml
# no environment specified since it doesn't appear to have any affect
actor: ApiTester
    - Symfony:
          app_path: 'src'

@ThomasLandauer Can you reproduce this problem in the test project?

I need to know if this is still a problem with the supported versions of Symfony, at least Codeception 4 and version 1.6 of this module.

I am not able to reproduce or fix the problem with the versions described in this issue, so please update it.

Yes, the issue is still there. I created
Run vendor/bin/codecept run Functional EnvironmentCest:try -vvv, and you'll see "foo" in the output, which is the string I put in Functional.suite.yml.
However, when you open /public/index.php/environment in a browser, you'll see "prod".