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[Term Entry] Dart Maps .values()

codecademy-docs opened this issue · comments

Reason/inspiration (optional)

"We would like a new term entry under Dart Maps for the Dart Map .values() method.
Provide the entry in a markdown file under docs/content/dart/concepts/map/terms/values/

The entry should
- Have an introductory paragraph about what the method is and does.
- A syntax section with a pseudo code block with an explanation of it.
- An example showing the method in use.

Please refer to the concept entry templates, content standards, and markdown style guide when working on the PR for this issue."

Entry Type (select all that apply)

New Term for Existing Concept Entry

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  • By submitting this issue, I agree to follow Codecademy Doc's Code of Conduct.

For Maintainers

  • Labels added
  • Issue is assigned

@codecademy-docs Hi, I'd just like to bring to your attention that is broken. Also, as a student of the web development course, there are currently no open issues that seem appropriate for my knowledge (no css, html, javascript ...). Just a suggestion, but perhaps the issues could be a bit more generic if the point is for students to get familiar with the workflow of contributing to an open source project. Thanks!

Hey @lamalamalana, Thank you for pointing out the issue with maps concept entry, I will look into it. About more beginner-friendly issues, we keep a mix of intermediate and beginner-level issues, both of which can be written with a little bit of research.
Keep your eyes peeled as new issues get uploaded every Monday, that's today! You should find something to work on in this week's lot!

Please let me know if you are interested in working on this issue.

@lamalamalana that link will start working once we merge the concept file for map entry.

Hi, I'd like to take on this issue for the CodeAcademy team. There's a good website that helps explain this issue.

@AverageCodeTechnician You're assigned!! In addition to the documents linked in the description, please also look at our Contribution Guide if you haven't already. After creating a PR, the maintainer(s) (with the collaborator label) will add comments/suggestions to address any revisions before approval.

Is this your first contribution to Codecademy Docs? If so, we're curious to know how you found out about contributing to Docs.

I deleted my repo because I thought that was what I was supposed to do but, no worries I still have the .md file needed to turn in my work with. Am I still assigned to this task?

Yes you are @AverageCodeTechnician, we are looking forward to your contribution.

Hey there! Can I take upon the issue please? I'd love to try and contribute as I am new it that but I'd be happy to learn new skills :) Thanks

@VeraLK this issue is already claimed. Please check the issue section for unclaimed ones. We will also launch new issue today or tomorrow so look out for them too.