CodeNameNoah / Professional-README-Generator

The idea behind this program is to provide a flexible solution for developers who have varying levels of detail they want to include in their files. By customizing the template and level of detail, developers can create documentation that suits their needs. LOOK TO README FOR DEVELOPERS FOR DEVELOPER FOCUSED DOCUMENTATION.

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I am proud to say that I have designed a program that is capable of generating a custom file based on the user's level of descriptiveness. To achieve this, I used NPM built-in libraries and dependencies such as inquirer. The idea behind this program is to provide a flexible solution for developers who have varying levels of detail they want to include in their files. By customizing the template and level of detail, developers can create documentation that suits their needs. To get started, I first designed the template that the program would use to generate the file. I made sure to include all the necessary sections such as the project title, description, installation instructions, usage examples, contributing guidelines, and license information. I then made it customizable to suit the user's specific needs. Next, I used the inquirer library to prompt the user for their level of descriptiveness. This would determine how detailed the generated file would be. For example, if the user selects a high level of detail, the program will generate a more comprehensive file with detailed instructions and usage examples. If the user selects a low level of detail, the program will generate a simpler file with only the essential information. Finally, I tested the program to ensure that it was working correctly and that it could handle different levels of descriptiveness without any issues. With this program, developers can now generate files that suit their specific needs without having to spend hours writing documentation from scratch.

Table of Contents


The following necessary dependencies must be installed to run the application properly: The code is using the inquirer package, which is not a built-in Node.js module and needs to be installed separately using npm.


In order to use this app, This application is designed to be utilized by developers who need to create files for their projects. The program allows developers to generate custom files that are tailored to their specific needs, based on their level of descriptiveness. To use this program, the developer first needs to install the required dependencies using the Node Package Manager (NPM). Once the dependencies are installed, the developer can run the program from the command line by executing the main file. The program will then prompt the developer for information about the project, such as the project name, description, and installation instructions. The developer can choose their desired level of descriptiveness for each section, and the program will generate a custom file based on the input provided. The generated file can then be saved and used as the project's documentation. The program's customizability makes it an excellent tool for developers who need to create documentation that is both comprehensive and concise, saving them time and effort in the documentation process.



  • This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.


​Contributors: CodeNameNoah-Noah_Hoang


The following is needed to run the test: node index.js


If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue or contact CodeNameNoah directly at :


The idea behind this program is to provide a flexible solution for developers who have varying levels of detail they want to include in their files. By customizing the template and level of detail, developers can create documentation that suits their needs. LOOK TO README FOR DEVELOPERS FOR DEVELOPER FOCUSED DOCUMENTATION.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%