Code-Institute-Community / business-analysis-project

Collaborative Open-Source Project: Looking for a way to put IT businesses into clusters based on their services/products, which should be found on their website.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Description

A Collaborative Open-Source Project where we are looking for a way to put regional Irish IT businesses into clusters based on their services/products. The information about their services/products should be found on their website, but are not in a format it can be used for applications.


  • Python 3.8+
  • MongoDB (either an ATLAS instance or locally installed)
  • An access token from mapbox Click here to request a token. You will need to create an account.
    Quick Start example uses "pk.eyJ1IjoibWFwYm94IiwiYSI6ImNpejY4NXVycTA2emYycXBndHRqcmZ3N3gifQ.rJcFIG214AriISLbB6B5aw"

How to run the project

  1. Create a new file with the content from the file. Update the MONGO_URI and MONGO_DBNAME if necessary.
  2. Update the ACCESS_TOKEN value with the one you received from mapbox.
  3. Install the requirements (optionally create a new virtual environment )
  4. Run python from the terminal. This will add some demo data to your MongoDB.
  5. Start the app running python3 from the terminal

Flask Blueprint

New Blueprints only need to added for completely new functionality. Currently we only have four blueprints, please add to these before creating a new one.

  1. Organisations - Everything to do with listing, updateing and deleting organisations
  2. Categories - Everything to do with analysing, clustering and categorising organisations
  3. API - Everthing to do with avaiable RESTful APIs
  4. Home - A basic home app and any static views

In case a new Blueprint needs to be created, follow the below steps:

  1. Add new file in the app directory giving it a meaningful and relevant name (e.g. categories)
  2. Import Blueprint from flask and define your Blueprint
from flask import Blueprint

categories = Blueprint("categories", __name__, template_folder='templates')
  1. Register your Blueprint in the app directory's file.
from app.categories import categories
  1. Create a new sub-folder in the app diretory's templates folder for your new Blueprint

  2. If your Blueprint needs to use mongodb, import mongo from the app directory's file to reuse the PyMongo instance.

from app import mongo
  1. Here is a full example:

from flask import Blueprint, render_template

from app import mongo

categories = Blueprint("categories", __name__, template_folder='templates')

def view_categories():
    categories = mongo.db.categories.find()
    return render_template('categories/list_categories.html',

Directory Structure

Below is an outline of what this project's directory structure can and will look like. Please note that working with the file system is not the focus of this project, but rather the planning of its' directory structure.

Please feel free to add, edit and leave comments and/or notes in this file as you see fit.

Please do not alter the general layout of this template, as markdown can be very sensitive and small spaces, characters, etc. can throw off the whole layout.

|____ app
    |____ templates
        |____ api
            |___ list_organisations.html
        |____ authentication
        |____ categories
            |___ clustering.html
        |____ home
            |___ home.html
        |____ organisations
            |___ create_organisations.html
            |___ edit_organisations.html
            |___ list_organisations.html
        |___ base.html
        |___ navbar.html
    |____ functions
    |____ models
    |____ static
        |___ css
            |___ style.css
        |___ js
            |___ script.js
            |___ main.js
|____ data
    |___ nace_codes.json
|____ docs
|___ .gitignore
|___ .gitpod.yml
|___ Procfile
|___ requirements.txt


  • The primary challenge is to query an existing organisation name dataset, find their website, extract the relevant data which can be queried by search. i.e show all companies that offer IT Security services and display them on a map.

  • The map should have the capacity to search, filter, zoom (etc.) by service offering, skillset, location and other overlapping factors.

  • It should also have a view with different charts and analytics functionality which is gated by user authentication.

  • It should also have an API to retrieve information about the categorisation of the businesses.


Participation is open to all Code Institute students (who have passed project 2), alumni and staff.

Register your interest here

Participation Format

The project will initially be run over the course of the month of March 2022 with the option to be extended if need be.

In order to participate, you will need to register your interest here. The registration will be closed a week before March 2022 and participation after that date will have to be reviewed on a case by case basis.

This project will be run very similar to the Hacktoberfest, the main difference being that this is an internal event which will not be advertised publicly.

Contribution will be rewarded with special participation badges and prizes.

Prize Structure

  • Small Contributor (1 Approved Pull Request): Participation Badge
  • Medium Contributor (3 Approved Pull Request): Small Contributor + Swag Pack
  • Large Contributor (5 Approved Pull Requests): Medium Contributor + Secret Prize



Collaborative Open-Source Project: Looking for a way to put IT businesses into clusters based on their services/products, which should be found on their website.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 61.9%Language:Python 20.5%Language:HTML 15.2%Language:CSS 2.4%Language:Procfile 0.0%