CocoaPods / Xcodeproj

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Add SWP packages to existing project

cianiandreadev opened this issue · comments

Hi all,

I have a question about the usage of the tool:
I have an xcode project (ios) where I need to dynamically add swift packages using Xcodeproj trough command line.
I saw that you have XCSwiftPackageProductDependency and XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference but I couldn't find out how to use them.
For example, how is possible to specify which version to use? How to add to an existing project?
Sorry if it may sounds a stupid question but I'm quite new to Xcodeproj.


@cianiandreadev - Xcodeproj is intended to be used as a lower-level library for use in CocoaPods and other projects.

If you want to just add SwiftPM packages to Xcode, check out Xcoed - a CLI tool I made exactly for this.

@igor-makarov thanks a lot!
I will check that out!