Cloutain / Mile.Project.Windows

Configuration template for simplifying the definition of Visual Studio (MSBuild) C++ projects.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Configuration template for simplifying the definition of Visual Studio (MSBuild) C++ projects.

Available Options

How to define the project type in the "Globals" label property group.

  • If the project is a console application project.
  • If the project is a windows application project.
  • If the project is a dynamic library project.
  • If the project is a static library project.

How to define the manifest file in the "Globals" label property group.


How to enable the version information support.

<MileProjectCompanyName>TODO: Company Name</MileProjectCompanyName>
<MileProjectFileDescription>TODO: File Description</MileProjectFileDescription>
<MileProjectLegalCopyright>© TODO: Company Name. All rights reserved.</MileProjectLegalCopyright>
<MileProjectVersionTag>Preview 1</MileProjectVersionTag>

How to enable VC-LTL support.


How to enable C++/WinRT support.


How to use LLVM clang-cl toolset instead of MSVC toolset.



Configuration template for simplifying the definition of Visual Studio (MSBuild) C++ projects.

License:MIT License


Language:C 70.9%Language:Batchfile 29.1%