Clooos / Bubble-Card

Bubble Card is a minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch.

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Horizontal button stack overlapping

marcirlacher opened this issue · comments

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Describe the bug
In the horizontal button stack some buttons do not show up or do overlap.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Just open the Dashboard

Expected behavior
Buttons should appear or show up next to each other


Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-20 um 13 14 58

Informations (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows, Android, iOS, any OS
  • Browser: Any Browser
  • Bubble Card version 1.7.3
  • Home Assistant version 2024.4.1

Additional context
Note the strange button overlap on the first button "Arbeitszimmer".


type: horizontal-stack

  • type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: horizontal-buttons-stack
    1_link: '#wohnzimmer'
    1_name: Wohnzimmer
    1_icon: mdi:sofa
    1_entity: light.wohnzimmer_lichtgruppe
    2_link: '#esszimmer'
    2_name: Esszimmer
    2_icon: mdi:food
    2_entity: light.esszimmer_deckenlicht
    3_link: '#kuecheflur'
    3_name: Küche / Flur
    3_icon: mdi:alpha-f-box
    3_entity: light.flur_lichtgruppe
    4_link: '#treppenhaus'
    4_name: Treppenhaus
    4_icon: mdi:stairs
    4_entity: light.treppenhaus_lichtgruppe
    5_link: '#bad'
    5_name: Bad
    5_icon: mdi:shower
    5_entity: light.shelly_plus_1_7c87ce58f1e4_badezimmer_spiegelschrank
    6_link: '#schlafzimmer'
    6_name: Schlafzimmer
    6_icon: mdi:sleep
    6_entity: group.schlafzimmer
    7_link: '#kinderzimmer'
    7_name: Kinderzimmer
    7_icon: mdi:baby
    7_entity: light.kinderzimmer_stilllicht
    8_link: '#arbeitszimmer'
    8_name: Arbeitszimmer
    8_icon: mdi:briefcase
    8_entity: light.pc_licht
    is_sidebar_hidden: false
    highlight_current_view: false
    hide_gradient: false
    rise_animation: true

Thank you! 🍻

Duplicate -- issue obviously resolved in 2.0.0 beta1