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Make raredisease orderable

Vince-janv opened this issue · comments

User story:

As a customer, I would like to be able to analyse dna samples with raredisease,
so that I don't have to analyse my own FASTQ files.

Acceptance criteria:

  • A customer should be able to place orders to be analysed with raredisease
  • This option should only be available for dna samples
  • The case added to status_db should have data_analysis=raredisease
  • The data_delivery options exact same as mip-dna


  • raredisease will be ready for production not before august


How will this be handled in the JSON file generated by the hospital LIMS? Ie. it needs to say raredisease instead of mip-dna if you don't want to have to change it manually in the orderportal after uploading the file. @annagellerbring @jemten

Technical implementation


  • In orderform 1508 add the data_analysis option raredisease
  • in cg/meta/orders add a RarediseaseSubmitter that inherits from CaseSubmitter (no extra functionality needed)
  • Add entry for raredisease in cg.models.orders.constants.OrderType
  • In cg/meta/orders/ add an entry linking the aforementioned OrderType to the RarediseaseSubmitter


  • In orderTypes add entry for raredisease.
    text: 'To be decided by @annagellerbring  and @peterpru ',
    orderType: <new constant pointing to "raredisease">,
    applications: ['wgs', 'exo'],
    dataAnalysis: <new constant pointing to "raredisease">,
  • In deliveryOptions add entry for raredisease.
raredisease: [same as mip-dna],
  • The rendering and validation should be the same as for mip-dna orders