CleverTap / clevertap-android-sdk

CleverTap Android SDK

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot access '<init>': it is internal in 'TemplateRenderer' getting this error

NinadKisan opened this issue · comments

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-31 at 2 54 19 PM

implementation ""
implementation ""

Here is my code

try {
            println("${} ------- FirebaseMessagingService dATA")
            try {
                println("${JSONObject(["pt_json"])} ------- FirebaseMessagingService dATA")
            } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
                println("Inside Push Templates $throwable")
            println("${message.rawData} ------- FirebaseMessagingService raw")
            println("${message.notification} ------- FirebaseMessagingService notification")
            println("${message.messageId} ------- FirebaseMessagingService messageId")
            println("Inside Push Templates")

            val extras = Bundle()
            for (entry in {
                extras.putString(entry.key, entry.value)
            val info: NotificationInfo = CleverTapAPI.getNotificationInfo(extras)
            if (info.fromCleverTap) {
                if (extras.containsKey("pt_id")) {
                    println(" ------- FirebaseMessagingService 1")
                    var templateRenderer  = TemplateRenderer(applicationContext, extras)
                    /* templateRenderer.renderNotification(
                        NotificationCompat.Builder(applicationContext, "CTTestId"),
                    ) */
                } else {
                    println(" ------- FirebaseMessagingService 2")
                    CTFcmMessageHandler().createNotification(applicationContext, message)
        } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
            println("Inside Push Templates $throwable")

Hi @NinadKisan

It seems that your custom rendering of CleverTap notifications is not implemented correctly. To render both Push Template notifications and Core notifications sent from CleverTap, please use the following method:

CTFcmMessageHandler().createNotification(getApplicationContext(), remoteMessage); 

You can find further details in the Push Template doc and the Core Push handling doc for reference.