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CleverTap Android SDK

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Manual Carousel: Image sequence getting messed up for release build

Dhaval4Proximity opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
With Manual carousel template, I am facing a issue on signed release build, for debug build it works fine
Issue: Image sequence gets messed up; previous image shows up even after clicking next; this repeats for couple of times
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Generate signed build
  2. Render a manual carousel template PN on this
  3. Click next, keep clicking next

Issue is not device specific; although with Redmi devices frequency of issue is high compare to others
Here is the payload that I’m receiving in onMessageReceive()
{ pt_small_icon_clr=#2c698d, wzrk_acct_id=ABC-DEF-GHI, pt_manual_carousel_type=default, pt_msg_summary=Order fast!, wzrk_acts=[], pt_dl1=, pt_dl2=, pt_dl3=, pt_dl4=, pt_dl5=, pt_msg=Pick what you would like, pt_msg_clr=#2c698d, pt_dark={"pt_bg":"#FFFFFF","pt_msg_clr":"#2c698d","pt_title_clr":"#2c698d"}, pt_img1=, pt_img2=, pt_img3=, pt_img4=, pt_img5=, pt_title_clr=#2c698d, nm=Pick what you would like, nt=THE WAIT IS ALMOST OVER!, pt_bg=#FFFFFF, pt_id=pt_manual_carousel, pt_light={"pt_bg":"#FFFFFF","pt_msg_clr":"#2c698d","pt_title_clr":"#2c698d"}, pt_title=THE WAIT IS ALMOST OVER!, wzrk_cid=general_channel_notifications, wzrk_clr=#2c698d, wzrk_ttl=1697888811, pt_subtitle=youll love it!, wzrk_ck=3574, wzrk_dl=deeplink://to-open-app, wzrk_pn=true, wzrk_st=youll love it! }
Expected behavior
Image sequence should be maintained, can be critical for few use case



Environment (please complete the following information):

  • Device: not specific, Happens more frequently on Redmi
  • OS: Android 12, android 13
  • CleverTap SDK Version : 5.2.0
  • CleverTap Push Template Version: 1.1.0

@Dhaval4Proximity Thanks for pointing this out. This issue has been identified and we plan to fix it in the next release. You can expect the same by Monday