CleverTap / clevertap-android-sdk

CleverTap Android SDK

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Email is merging instead of update

Pritomk opened this issue · comments

When I update my mail with clevertap api using
profileUpdate.put(CleverTapManager.EMAIL, email);
profileUpdate.put(CleverTapManager.IDENTITY, UserInfo.getInstance(context).getCpCustomerId());
this methods the mail is adding in client profile instead of updating. I want to update the mail what should I do?

Hi @Pritomk

Email is an identifier for us and hence we merge them in the user-profile instead of updating it. Please let me know if you need further assistance with this.

When user login the new clevertap anonymous id allocate to user with corresponding email. But when the user logged out and sign up with different email both the user got merge(Everything is happening without closing the app). So how can I allocate different user for different email.

Hi @Pritomk

Please, refer the CleverTap documentation on how to manage user profiles.