Cleric-K / FlySky-i6X_Firmware_BugFix

Fixes a bug in the original FS-i6X firmware

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does Flysky OEM 2022 Firmware include your bug fix?

Growflavor opened this issue · comments

Thank you for this informative github repository & responses in issue #12

Would be great to know if FlySky finally included your fix in the 2022/5/18 firmware v.

Hi, thanks for pointing out this new update. I didn't know about it thus I have no idea if it has been fixed. I'll try it when I can but it might take few weeks since I have some other more pressing things at this time. Whether it has been fixed can be seen through some blackbox logging where the raw rc commands are recorded.

RE: "Whether it has been fixed can be seen through some blackbox logging " I am not yet that far along in my skill working with these controllers ;-) Thus, if & when you ever might have time to look into it, would be useful to know.

Also, fyi...the OEM updater for the 2022 firmware is not flagged as malicious which is nice.

Just to tinker, I tried to pack the 2019 fixed .bin you provided into the 2022 updater using resource hacker, but seems (at least with me not knowing what I was doing) the new exe file that resource hacker creates is identified by malware tools as a 'trojan' rather than as a new unique .exe...but again I am not familiar with this tool so probably did many things incorrectly.