Clemapfel / Mousetrap.jl

Finally, a GUI Engine made for Julia

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Register the package

ufechner7 opened this issue · comments

When at least the main examples work on at least one OS, please register the package to make it easier to install. You can also create a meta-package that installs all dependencies.

Yes, this is true. As it says in the planned features making the installation a one-liner is a high priority

I'm just waiting for JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil#7461 now, everything is in order and ready to be published on Mousetraps end. Once the jll is on yggdrasil, I can open the Julia registry PR.

Now merged.

Writing @JuliaRegistrator register() should do the job, shouldn't it?


Is there a reason to not just register as is? I see something about "one-liner" installation. FYI: There's AppBundler.jl and it has Mousetrap as an example. [You may want to link to it. I'm going to test your package first now, and that one.]

Currently the example doesn't work, since not registered. I know how, not all, to avoid the issue. A package doesn't have to be perfect to be registered, but that said, it seems perfect; for many. Perfect is the enemy of the good. PG needs not be used.

Surprisingly I see, installing your package:

  Downloaded artifact: Perl
⌅ [90100e71] ↓ MongoC_jll v1.25.1+0 ⇒ v1.19.1+0

I think I know I'm at "fault" (Perl not a real dependency?!), huge environment, but not all might, and even in 1.10, Julia could do better..

Bump. This is a great package! It is way more stable and functional than most packages when they are first registered in the General registry. Registering a package also does not come with any additional commitments to no longer releasing breaking changes or anything else. I don't see any reason not to register this package now.