CleanTalk / phpbb3.1-3.2-antispam

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Data too long for column 'config_value'

vanwinssen opened this issue · comments


After upgrading from an earlier version, I now use the latest version 5.7.5 of this extension on a PHPBB 3.3.9 forum.
At some point in using our forum (e.g. register a new user, or using our contact form) I get an error "Data too long for column 'config_value'" that seems to be related to this line of code:

$this->config->set('cleantalk_stats__requests', json_encode($requests));

The data exceeds the length of the column "config_value" in the table "phpbb_config", which is of type varchar(255).

I think the data should be better stored in the other table "phpbb_config_text", so the 255-limit doesn't apply on this type of information that the extension is trying to store?


Hello, thank you for contacting us. Changes in the latest release.