CleanTalk / phpbb3.1-3.2-antispam

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Check users for spam" feature needs selective whitelisting/greylisting, or a "Delete all who has 0 posts" feature

mdrejhon opened this issue · comments

Paying CleanTalk user here.

I discovered a huge list of mainly 0-post spam users found on my forums -- and I need to delete all of them.

But I can't use "Delete all" because 3 of them have what are extremely useful posts (not found elsewhere; not copy pastes; actual direct replies) that were clearly human-written in a relevant way and not bot-written. I want to preserve those posts that have been sitting there for some time now. Even if I delete these users, I want to keep these specific posts.

In a case, One of the email addresses is a long-dormant member hacked by a spammer so it only got blacklisted later; which means the original email address owner had many legitimate posts at first... So I don't want to delete all of their posts;

My option is to delete 1000+ spam users one by one, because the "Delete All" will remove the few non-spam posts I want to keep.

Almost all my obvious spam users are 0 posts, so perhaps a compromise is a "Delete all who has 0 posts" selection feature.

That way I can manually administer the remaining suspicious users who have nonzero posts (e.g. delete/ban while keeping certain posts).

Thank you!


Also would be helpful to have a chekbox at the top-left for "Select/Unselect All On This Screen"


Unfortunately, due to high load we don't plan to add this feature at this moment. You can try to add this feature by yourself and make a pull request to this repo. We will review it and accept if everything is fine.