ClaudiaRojasSoto / Catalog_Of_My_Things

Console-based application built in Ruby, designed to keep an organized record of your possessions across different categories. This app provides a simple and user-friendly interface to manage your personal items efficiently.

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[3pt] Team member #4 - Task 3 - Implement Methods in Source & Movie Class

ClaudiaRojasSoto opened this issue · comments

  • Implement methods:

1. add_item method in the Source class

  • Should take an instance of the Item class as an input
  • Should add the input item to the collection of items
  • Should add self as a property of the item object (by using the correct setter from the item object)

1. can_be_archived?() in the Movie class

  • Should override the method from the parent class
  • Should return true if the parent's method returns true AND if last_played_at is older than 2 years
  • Otherwise, it should return false