CivicDataLab / zombie-tracker

A case-law tracker to find, identify and document cases registered under section 66A of the Information Technology Act.

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Tracker Changes

Abhi2102 opened this issue · comments

  • In Related acts table, wrap label and make text more readable
  • In Internet penetration table make label more readable and use different line color for internet subs and cases
  • In sections table for some data lot of x-axis labels are appearing leaving the axis labels unreadable
  • Timeperiod selected in parent doesn't get retained till child level
  • Make UI changes as per design in Mobile view

Listing issues after the latest website update on 06/01/21

UI checks

  • The logo should redirect to the home-page
  • Add a notification box on top of the page to clearly state the timelines for data collection and analysis. This will add more clarity to the overall presentation. We can add this line (subject to changes suggested by IFF):

Currently, we have only considered cases that were registered between 27/10/2009 and 15/02/2020 in these states Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal . We're working to add more states and to keep the tracker updated with status of pending cases in the selected states. Please read more on the data collection methodology here

  • Instead of just the table and map logos on top of the map, we can add 'View table' and 'View Map' along with the logos
  • Change the title of the number boxes to Cases registered, Pending cases, Disposed cases, Cases with judgement
  • On hovering over the state, show the total number of cases along with the percentage
  • Include a link to go back at country level map from the state maps
  • District level map is not visible for Delhi
  • Titles for the columns in cases table - State/UT, Cases registered, Pending cases, Disposed cases, Cases with judgement
  • A few districts in Rajasthan are greyed out in map (like Jaisalmer) where as they have cases present, why are cases greyed out in states where we're fetching data for all districts, technically they should be white if they have 0 cases under any category. Grey stands for no data mined)
  • Include the text on what filter is selected (total, pending, disposed or judgement) on top of the map
  • Make the calendar easier to use. We don't need the filters available on the calendar (since we don't have the data for those filters like last month, etc), if we can have yearly filters that will be helpful otherwise just keep the selection using dates
  • In the bar charts - the 2015 line is not intuitive by itself, either we need to annotate that mentioning that the provision was declared unconstitutional, or add a highlighted note above the charts mentioning the same
  • Change the title of the chart from "Cases pending (percent) till date" to "Percentage of cases pending from each year"
  • Make sure in bar charts the last bar does not interest with the Y axis
  • The chart title should be different (color, font, etc) from the Y axis label that is displayed just below the title
  • Change the title of the chart from "Time taken for disposal (Years)" to "Time taken (in years) by the courts to dispose a case"
  • Use these as labels for the X axis for the chart titled "Time taken for disposal (Years)" - less than a year, one to two, two to three, three to five, more than five years
  • Include actual number of cases (along with percentage of cases) in the chart titled "Time taken for disposal (Years)"
  • For the chart "Time taken for disposal (Years)", If the value on the first bar is 100 % it overlaps with the chart labels (check the case for Pune)
  • Add axis Labels for all charts

Related acts and sections

  • Underline the title
  • Insert a small note, above the chart, highlighting the reason for including the charts on Related acts and sections
  • Instead of two charts side by side, we can have two rows instead. The first one for acts and the second for sections
  • Change the title from "Related acts and sections" to "Acts clubbed with section 66A of the IT act"
  • For the charts with section from selected acts, add the title - "Sections from other acts that are clubbed with section 66A of the IT act"
  • Can we change the Y-axis from linear to log scale in the first chart, might make the last bar (SC/ST Act) more visible
  • Use full act names in the drop down for the second chart

Internet Penetration Vs Case Count

  • Underline the title
  • Insert a small note, above the chart, highlighting the reason for including the chart on Internet Penetration to give more context to the users
  • Link the source for the data on internet penetration in the same note
  • Can we use two slightly different shades, its hard to differentiate between internet penetration and total cases
  • Rename the left Y-axis from cases to "Total cases registered"
  • Remove the 2015 dotted line
  • When a district is selected show the internet penetration graph with state data / hide the graph

Case load (Year on Year)

  • Underline the title
  • Replace 2020 with 2020 (till 15/02/2020)
  • Replace "Cases Registered in The Year" to "Cases registered"
  • Replace "Pending Cases From Before" to "Cases pending till date"
  • Replace "Cases Disposed in The Year" to "Cases disposed this year"

Data checks

  • Seeing cases after Feb 2020. When the filter for last month (Dec 01, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020) is selected, we get 56 cases in total. This should not happen, since we're only showing data till 15/02/2020
  • For the chart titled "Cases pending (percent) till date" only show data till 2019 (Since we don't have complete data for 2020)
  • The total registered cases is not matching with the above charts in the internet penetration graph