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ebshrier opened this issue · comments

Another project for which changes are not appearing in Drupal.

Issues are

  • Site is not appearing on map
  • A WU chatter entry was deleted but still appears on site (the May 18 entry)

Note: A second WU object was added to this site and then deleted same day it was created. The original WU object is what remains.


@ebshrier I was able to remove the extra chatter entry, but I'm not sure why the project isn't showing up on the map, but my guess is that has to do with the second WU object. Will run this by @padora-cob

@ebshrier quick follow up to this -- the project type was missing on this one:


@padora-cob checked, and it was also missing in Salesforce:


What is the "project type" for this one? I can try adding it in Drupal to see what happens.

Hi James - I've just pinged Joe to get project type updated (I don't know what type it is). Is that the only required field from project info section? (I asked Joe to update as many as possible anyway).

Hi James, FYI project type was updated yesterday but the project still isn't showing on map.

@ebshrier thanks for flagging, we'll investigate further

Hi @duffy-james - any update on getting this project to appear on the map? Thanks

Also - some images were posted that aren't appearing on project page.

Comments in Jira

@ebshrier Notes from @davidrkupton in Jira:


The record needs to have a Disposition Type which is not in the list appended to this comment.

Changing the Disposition Type to Other solved the problem on my local environment.



The map is generated from a “Building Housing Maps” view display which is at /admin/structure/views/view/bhmaps/edit/livemap.

Full Display Rules

A BH Project record will appear on the map if:

  1. The Content type is BH Project, and

  2. The record is Published, and

  3. The Public Stage (Drupal: field_bh_public_stage) (SF: Project Stage) is one of:

  • Project Launch
  • Selecting Developer
  • City Planning Process
  • In Construction
  • Project Completed

(The Drupal field links to a term in the taxonomy vocab Public Stage (BH))

  1. The Disposition Type (Drupal: field_bh_disposition_type )(SF: Disposition Type ) is NOT any of:
  • N/A
  • Disposition Planning Project
  • Disposition complete
  • Incoming Transfer
  • Interagency Transfer
  • Non-active/Postponed
  • Open Space - TBD
  • Tax Title - Foreclosure Prevention
  • Tax Title - Problem Property
  • Tax Title - Redemption
  • Tax Title - Revenue
  • Tax Title - Site Assembly
  • To be deleted

(The drupal field links to a term in the taxonomy vocab Disposition Type (BH))

  1. The Coordinates Boundary (Drupal: field_bh_coordinates) (SF: Parcel X Coordinate & Parcel Y Coordinate)
    Actually, not sure how this works, I think the lat/long for the record must be inside a dynamic view variable which defines the map boundaries.

Thanks for update David and for additional info.

The logic info regarding disposition type that we have been working from indicates that "Disposition Planning Projects" should appear on map. In addition, there is no "Other" in Salesforce when record type = Disposition. I've updated project record to dispo type = "Community Facility" to see if that appears on map. Going forward, we will need to clarify which types should appear on map and update logic.

@ebshrier we can't find the images in the web update in Salesforce or any images in Drupal, but that could just be on us. Can you check to see if the images are there in Salesforce and point @davidrkupton to them? I want to see if we can make the sync work before I add them directly to Drupal.

@duffy-james Images may have been taken down. I've pinged Joe to find out if he still wants photos uploaded.
There is a slide deck .pdf attached in files that isn't appearing on website. Thanks

@duffy-james Just confirmed with Joe, no images to post. It's the slide deck pdf that he wants showing up. thanks

@ebshrier got it, thanks Ethan. I'll touch base with David on this one again.

Files now appearing on site.