CitiesSkylinesMultiplayer / CSM

Source code for the Cities: Skylines Multiplayer mod (CSM)

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Separate Money

fityileri opened this issue · comments


Me and my brother downloaded this mod and have been having a blast playing. I've seen some of the people complain about the money being de-synced in the past, however we were wondering if a feature similar to that is possible. We would like to manage our own money separately, to have two different cities essentially. I imagine that might not be so simple, because it would be hard to determine whose "city" gets more income, or basically who owns what. But I think that wouldn't matter that much, if you could just make it so the money only goes down for the person who makes a purchase, that would be great! That would pretty much mean that income gets doubled, but for that maybe you could reduce overall income by half, so that it wouldn't make the game too easy (maybe this feature could be optional with an on/off button). I don't know if all this is possible, but either way please let me know!

Thank you very much in advance!

Also, I saw the Roadmap mentioning DLC support by the end of the year, is that accurate or should we not expect it yet?

This is a highly requested feature and would definitely be very useful. Although, this won't be a priority anytime soon, since syncing the basic game features will still take some time.
The roadmap is not very accurate anymore, even though I'll try to implement some DLC features in the coming weeks if I find some time.