CitiesSkylinesMultiplayer / CSM

Source code for the Cities: Skylines Multiplayer mod (CSM)

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Multiplayer breaks when more than one player tries to join

kongming819 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Multiplayer works fine between two people. When a third person joins, however, one of the previous two will be stuck in the grayed out "client is joining" screen.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Host starts multiplayer session
  2. First client joins multiplayer session. Everything loads fine.
  3. Second client (third player) joins multiplayer session. Other two players are locked out for loading purposes
  4. After second client finishes loading, the first client is still locked out.

Expected behavior
All locks are released when the second client finishes loading

Active DLCs
Green Cities

Active mods
Unlimited money, soil

Type /version into the in-game chat and paste the version numbers here:

  • Mod version: 2003.3.0
  • Game version: Base game, 1.13.0-f7

Have also had a similar error. Willing to provide crash logs

For everyone with this issue: Please enable debug logging for the mod in the settings menu. If the error occurs: Send the log file (under <Cities install dir>/multiplayer-logs/log-current.txt) to me (either here or on Discord)

LOG below: (Description: Player Amycakes connected first, successfully loaded the game and released the lock. Then, player toastygoodness attempted to connect, successfully loaded the game. Lock releases for myself and toastygoodness, but Amycakes is still locked out)

[15:09:51.8414] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Attempting to patch Cities: Skylines using Harmony...
[15:09:52.8034] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Successfully patched Cities: Skylines!
[15:09:52.8034] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Creating join game button...
[15:09:52.8034] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Construction Complete!
[15:10:04.2388] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Creating join game button...
[15:11:46.6235] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Attempting to start server on port 4230...
[15:11:46.8895] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] The server has started.
[15:12:44.1401] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received ConnectionRequestCommand
[15:12:44.1401] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Received connection request.
[15:12:44.1521] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ConnectionResultCommand to client at
[15:12:44.1521] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Player Amycakes has connected!
[15:12:44.1651] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ClientConnectCommand to all clients
[15:12:44.1651] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending PlayerListCommand to client at
[15:12:44.1651] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending FinishTransactionCommand to all clients
[15:12:46.9382] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending WorldTransferCommand to client at
[15:14:02.7971] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received SpeedCommand
[15:14:02.7971] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PauseCommand
[15:14:02.7971] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received FinishTransactionCommand
[15:14:03.0271] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received ClientLevelLoadedCommand
[15:14:03.9151] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.1013] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.1443] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.1883] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.2783] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.3203] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.3603] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.4003] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.5193] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.7613] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.8383] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.8783] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.9173] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:11.9953] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.0363] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.0753] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.1133] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.1533] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.2313] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.7763] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.7763] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.8453] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.8803] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:12.9543] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:14:13.6893] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received ConnectionRequestCommand
[15:14:13.6893] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Received connection request.
[15:14:13.6943] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ConnectionResultCommand to client at
[15:14:13.6943] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ClientJoiningCommand to client at
[15:14:13.6943] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Player toastygoodness has connected!
[15:14:13.6943] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ClientConnectCommand to all clients
[15:14:13.6943] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending PlayerListCommand to client at
[15:14:13.6943] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending FinishTransactionCommand to all clients
[15:14:16.4064] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending WorldTransferCommand to client at
[15:15:45.2011] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received SpeedCommand
[15:15:45.2011] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PauseCommand
[15:15:45.2011] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received FinishTransactionCommand
[15:15:46.5921] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received ClientLevelLoadedCommand
[15:15:46.5921] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ClientJoiningCommand to client at
[15:15:47.5761] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand
[15:15:48.5391] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PlayerLocationCommand

Then, I told Amycakes to disconnect (successful quit). She then reconnected.
After loading, I was not locked out anymore, but toastygoodness was still locked out

[15:20:30.2648] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Player Amycakes lost connection! Reason: RemoteConnectionClose
[15:20:30.2648] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ClientDisconnectCommand to all clients
[15:21:16.4427] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received ConnectionRequestCommand
[15:21:16.4427] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Received connection request.
[15:21:16.4427] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ConnectionResultCommand to client at
[15:21:16.4427] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ClientJoiningCommand to client at
[15:21:16.4427] [2003.3.0.0] [Info] Player Amycakes has connected!
[15:21:16.4427] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ClientConnectCommand to all clients
[15:21:16.4427] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending PlayerListCommand to client at
[15:21:16.4587] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending FinishTransactionCommand to all clients
[15:21:18.9277] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending WorldTransferCommand to client at
[15:22:34.3684] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received SpeedCommand
[15:22:34.3684] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received PauseCommand
[15:22:34.3684] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received FinishTransactionCommand
[15:22:35.3714] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Received ClientLevelLoadedCommand
[15:22:35.3714] [2003.3.0.0] [Debug] Sending ClientJoiningCommand to client at