atulord / home-files

My new dotfile hotness.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Home dotfiles

This contains all my home file configurations (in particular my vim setup) so that I can share it across computers. Before you go diving in, please be aware that there are a few pre-requisites:

Essential Pre-installations:

Oh My ZSH (link)
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install tmux
brew install z
Git (via homebrew)
brew install git
Vim (via homebrew)
brew install vim

In the cases of Oh My ZSH, Tmux and z, you will get annoying errors if you don't have these programs installed as my config files expect them to be there. If you don't want all the extra chuff and are just after my sexy Vim setup, go ahead and grab the .vimrc and .vimrc.bundle files, install Vundler, run :PluginInstall and away you go!

We are also installing Git and Vim via homebrew because it makes it easier to upgrade both, and also my path (which you will be copying via the .zshrc file will be looking for the homebrew installations first.

This repo is designed to work with homesick which handles all my symlinking for me automatically. Much of the configuration is inspired by Thoughtbot's dotfiles.

To install, first install homesick:

gem install homesick

Next step is to FORK this repository. Clone it to your local machine, and make sure you do a find-and-replace across the entire repo for chukaebi and replace it with the name of your User folder. Then go into the .gitconfig file and make sure you change your Git username and email address to your relevant details, unless you want me taking credit for your commits :)

Now commit and push back up to your remote fork. At this point, I would advise you delete the clone on your local machine as you will be re-cloning this via homesick so to avoid confusion it's best to have just one version of the repo cloned locally.

Next, use the homesick command to clone this repository:

homesick clone git://

you can now link its contents into your home dir:

homesick symlink home-files

run the rc file to get vundler installed:

homesick rc home-files

and restart your terminal.

You can now use the hup command to update your home files and install your vim bundles automatically.


My new dotfile hotness.


Language:Vim Script 97.9%Language:Shell 1.9%Language:Ruby 0.2%