atulord / CV

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chuka Ebi

An electrifying individual( whether this is due to my many incidents in the Electrical Engineering lab, I don't know) who has discovered his passion for all things software. How it works, How it is made, and most importantly, how to make it. I have come to possess a keen affinity for design on all levels: from a beautiful UI/UX to well written design pattern. Actively seeking a developer role.

Code Examples

Project Name Description
daily-review-app An application for Makers Academy that consists of a simple form for students to fill, which is then fed to a real-time dashboard for the coaches to analyze the information. Built using AngularJS and Firebase
GymBuddy GymBuddy is a mobile phone application which looks for a potential gym partner dependent on factors specified by the user. Built using Ionic, AngularJS Firebase, and Google Maps API .
daily-review-slackbot A bot designed to alert students when it's time to fill the form for the daily-review-app. BUilt using NodeJS.
StudentDB A Java program which creates a quiz and administers it.

Technical Skills and Technologies

Most Comfortable Comfortable Touched on
Languages Ruby, Javascript Java, C, CSS3, HTML5, jQuery C++, Coffeescript, Python, Objective-C
Databases/ORMS PostGresQL, DataMapper, Firebase ActiveRecord, MongoDB Parse
Frameworks Sinatra, Node.js,Ruby on Rails, AngularJS,Ionic, Bootstrap Express.js
Testing RSpec, Jasmine, Capybara Karma, Protractor
Other Version control through Github Heroku deployment, Agile methodologies


Makers Academy, London (October 2015 - January 2016)

Highly selective 12 week intensive coding bootcamp.

  • Focused on pair programming, test driven development, agile practices
  • Object oriented programming, software design
  • Full stack web development
  • Final project: GymBuddy - a mobile app for gym goers to better connect with each other.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA (August 2011 - May 2015)

BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, GPA: 3.7/4.0
Minor in Entrepreneurship

Work Experience

Technology Intern, SAP Abuja: May 2013 - August 2013
Worked closely with the client (Nigerian National Petroleum Company). Built Server Portals for both NNPC and SAP staff for communication Troubleshot and maintained the existing servers as a method of redundancy

Consultant Intern, Inflakes Technologies: July 2014 - August 2014

Maintenance of the integrated systems of land and rail clients. Organized Workshop and Conference. iOS Mobile Application development and identified solutions for the clients.


I love Table-Tennis(I have a vicious smash), yoga, basketball and books of a fantastical nature. Video games may be my second love.


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