Chrono-Tech / middleware-eth-rest

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middleware-eth-rest Build Status

Middleware service which expose rest api


This module is a part of middleware services. You can install it in 2 ways:

  1. through core middleware installer middleware installer
  2. by hands: just clone the repo, do 'npm install', set your .env - and you are ready to go


This module is used for interaction with middleware. This happens through the layer, which is built on chronobank sdk. So, you don't need to write any code - you can create your own flow with UI tool supplied by node-red itself. Access by this route:


Predefined Routes with node-red flows

description route method params output
get transactions for the registered address (by default skip = 0, limit=100) /tx/:addr/history GET {addr: <string>, limit: <Number>, skip: <Number> [<Object of tx>] view example
get balance of the registered address /addr/:addr/balance GET {addr: <string>} {balance: <Number>, assets: {assetId: <Number>}} view example
get tx by its hash /tx/{hash} GET {hash: <string>} <Object of tx> view example
register new address on middleware. erc20tokens - is an array of tokens, which balance changes this address will listen to (optional). /addr POST {address: <string>, erc20tokens: [<string>]} {code: <Number>, message: <string>} Example: {code: 1, message: 'ok'}
mark an address as inactive and stop perform any actions for this address. /addr DELETE {address: <string>} {code: <Number>, message: <string>} Example: {code: 1, message: 'ok'}
get list of all available events /events GET [<String>] view example
get events collection /events/{event_name} GET {event_name: <String>} see REST query language section [{txObj: <Object>}] view example
get block info /block/{hash``` ```number} GET ```{block: <hash
get blocks list /blocks/history GET [{blockObj: <Object>}] view example

REST guery language

Every collection could be fetched with an additional query. The api use query-to-mongo plugin as a backbone layer between GET request queries and mongo's. For instance, if we want to fetch all recods from collection 'issue', where issueNumber < 20, then we will make a call like that:

curl http://localhost:8080/events/issue?issueNumber<20
сonfigure your .env

To apply your configuration, create a .env file in root folder of repo (in case it's not present already). Below is the expamle configuration:





The options are presented below:

name description
MONGO_URI the URI string for mongo connection
MONGO_COLLECTION_PREFIX the default prefix for all mongo collections. The default value is 'eth'
MONGO_ACCOUNTS_URI the URI string for mongo connection, which holds users accounts (if not specified, then default MONGO_URI connection will be used)
MONGO_ACCOUNTS_COLLECTION_PREFIX the collection prefix for accounts collection in mongo (If not specified, then the default MONGO_COLLECTION_PREFIX will be used)
MONGO_PROFILE_URI the URI string for mongo connection, which holds profile accounts (if not specified, then default MONGO_URI connection will be used) [for token from laborx]
MONGO_PROFILE_COLLECTION_PREFIX the collection prefix for profile collection in mongo (If not specified, then the default MONGO_COLLECTION_PREFIX will be used) [for token from laborx]
MONGO_DATA_URI the URI string for mongo connection, which holds data collections (for instance, processed block's height). In case, it's not specified, then default MONGO_URI connection will be used)
MONGO_DATA_COLLECTION_PREFIX the collection prefix for data collections in mongo (If not specified, then the default MONGO_COLLECTION_PREFIX will be used)
NODERED_MONGO_URI the URI string for mongo connection, which holds data collections (for instance, processed block's height). In case, it's not specified, then default MONGO_URI connection will be used)
NODE_RED_MONGO_COLLECTION_PREFIX the collection prefix for node-red collections in mongo (If not specified, then the collections will be created without prefix)
REST_PORT rest plugin port
NETWORK network name (alias)- is used for connecting via ipc (see block processor section)
NODERED_MONGO_URI the URI string for mongo collection for keeping node-red users and flows (optional, if omitted - then default MONGO_URI will be used)
SMART_CONTRACTS_PATH the path to compiled smart contracts (optional, if omitted - then the default dir from node_modules will be used)
NODERED_AUTO_SYNC_MIGRATIONS autosync migrations on start (default = yes)
HTTP_ADMIN admin path for nodered or false (if not publish as default)
LABORX url for laborxAuth [default=http://localhost:3001/api/v1/security]
LABORX_RABBIT_SERVICE_NAME service name for laborx[exchange=events] in rabbitMq
LABORX_RABBIT_URI rabbit uri for laborx [exchange=events]
LABORX_USE_AUTH use laborx auth or not (default=true)
LABORX_USE_CACHE use laborx auth cache in mongo or not (default=true)
SYSTEM_RABBIT_URI rabbitmq URI connection string for infrastructure
SYSTEM_RABBIT_SERVICE_NAME rabbitmq service name for infrastructure
SYSTEM_RABBIT_EXCHANGE rabbitmq exchange name for infrastructure
CHECK_SYSTEM check infrastructure or not (default = true)




LaborX PTY


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 98.8%Language:Dockerfile 1.2%