ChrisWren / grunt-nodemon

Grunt task to run nodemon

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Watching too many files - this might cause high cpu usage

arty-name opened this issue · comments


I have just updated to 0.3.0 and I started getting following error in the console:

[nodemon] watching 32,903 files - this might cause high cpu usage. To reduce use "--watch".

I do have watch configured:

options: {
    watch: ['backend', 'conf/app'],

So I don't know whether it was always broken without warning, or it is broken now with the upgrade.

It also looks like default value of ignore being ['node_modules/**'] is ignored: most of reported 32,903 are dependencies in node_modules.

Deeper investigation shows this might not be happening on Macs (I'm using Ubuntu). Looks like the nodemon itself has a bug and uses Mac-specific parameters to find to count the files.

I created remy/nodemon#366. I don't want to close this grunt-nodemon bug now, because when nodemon fixes its issue it would be nice to update grunt-nodemon to use the version with a fix.

Sorry to hear that I just released 0.3 to update to the new nodemon. You could use the older version until the issue is resolved.

@arty-name I'm running into this as well. Looks like the other issue you've referenced has been resolved now. Can you confirm that it also fixes that problem we're seeing here?

@calmdev we'd be able to test it when the fix is pushed to npm. It should fix that problem we're seeing here.

Same here. The start/initialization of nodemon takes very long. It occurs in the referenced nodemon version 1.2.0. It is fixed in 1.3.0-5 with a quicker start up / enumeration of file sin watch()

Update to nodemon 1.3.0-5 would be great!

Nodemon 1.3.0 doesn't exists, but 0.4.0 does and fix the issue.